Chapter 36: The second lament

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<I was gonna deleted the preview, but I changed by mind. So it stays.>

Taurtis looked around at the assembled people, silently watching them all. They had split off into groups, seemingly by instinct. The Evolutionists stayed together but the Hermits weren't that uniformed. Mumbo and Iskall stayed close to each other, Stress making her way in to comfort Iskall. Joe moved away from everyone, Cleo following him in silent support. The other stayed semi-together and semi-separated, all staying close but with separations into smaller groups.

Everyone was comforting each other, trying to keep tears away. He just looked on in muted sorrow, he knew the first day didn't deserve his tears. Or maybe he should cry now, make it so that he had no tears to cry on the later days.

"Are you alright?" Whispered Netty to the ebony haired man, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"No. I'm not." Was his reply. "And I'm not sure there's anything that can be done to help it."

She smiled at him sadly. "Just remember that we're here for you, no matter what."

Taurtis gave her a small thankful smile. "I know."

He turned away from the groups and looked back to where the "memory screen" (he didn't have a better name for it) was, and he nearly screamed bloody murder.

Because looming right outside of Grian's cell was someone he thought to be long dead. At first he had though he was just seeing things, that it was just someone that looked like him. But then he had to go and let out a low laugh, and it became clear that this was him. He was back, and sure he probably was nothing but a thing that Hills or Fallacy had created, but Grian wouldn't see that. He wouldn't see the lies, he wouldn't see that he wasn't actually back.

All he'd see was that Sam was back, back and hungry for blood.

It seemed like Grian had spotted Sam too, as he was now clawing at the wall with his clawed hands -when had his other hand also turned dragon like?- and trying to push himself away as much as he could. This got everyone's attention, and they all turned back to the screen.

"What's going on?" Asked Stress, clutching the fabric of Iskall's shirt tightly as the man hugged her. "Why's he reactin' like that?"

"Look at who's at his door." Suggested Taurtis, eyes still focused on Grian's panicking form.

She did as instructed, as did many others, and she grew confused. "A...Bunny hybrid? What's got Grian panicking like this from him? Sure he doesn't look the nicest, but he doesn't seem all that dangerous."

"He used to be our friend." Whispered Taurtis sadly. "But he changed, and not for the better. He hurt Grian, badly. He never told me all of what Sam did, but the people around did. It wasn't very pretty, and calling it ugly would be an understatement."

The Hermits turned to glare at the not-really-real Sam, and now the bunny mystery was solved. Joyful truth behind it, really.

"I'm gonna kill him." Delacred Doc, sharp teeth on full display.

Taurtis shook his head. "Good luck with that, since he's already dead."

"Wait, really?"

The headphones wearing man nodded. "Yeah, went insane and went on a killing spree." His eyes darkened. "He killed everyone on the server excluding me and Grian, we thankfully managed to flee. In the end some Alpha-Admins came and destroyed the server, killing Sam and all of his code in the proces."

Everyone looked shocked at that, not even Mumskall or the Evolutionists knew about this, and they were the ones who knew the most about the events of Yandere High.

"Well then." Said Doc, collecting himself and once more glaring at Sam. "I'm sure Death will allow me down to their domain and kill that bastard again, they like Grian after all."

People agreed to that with nodes, except for Antlia who had no idea about Grian's strange friendship/bond with Death.

She was about to ask about this when the memory made a sound, and all the attention was on it.

"Good morning Gri-on!" Smirked Sam, stepping into the dark cell. "It's lovely to see you again."

"Leave me alone!" Screamed Grian, tugging at his shackles.

Sam tskt, shaking his head in disappointment. "Gri-on, Gri-on that's no way to greet an old friend, now is it?"

"You're not my friend!" Shouted the dirty blond, tears boulding in his violet eyes.

"Why not?" Asked the bunny hybrid sadly.

"Why not? WHY NOT?!" Shrieked Grian, scales forming under his eyes. "YOU KILLED EVERYONE! Dom, Yuki, J, Rowan...Ellen. All of them, you killed them all."

"Oh! Right!" Said Sam in a chiper tone, taking out a knife and twirling it in his hand. "I still have to finish that."

Grian let out a stuttering breath. "What? Finish what?"

The bunny smiled at him. "Silly Gri-on, finish you and Taurtis of course! You're the last two people of Yandere after all!"

The dirty blond whimpered, scotting away from the brunette even more. Sam saw this and grinned. "Aww, are you trying to get away? You can't do that silly!"

He reached out for Grian, probably to grab the shorter man, but the appendage was slapped away by a dark blue. Grian looked on in shock, he had forgotten that his tail wasn't chained down, and he had just slapped away Sam's hand.

He looked up at Sam fearfully, before noticing his arm. It was black, well where he had slapped it it was black at least. Why was it black? He didn't get to think about for long before Sam stormed out, arm clutched in his hand. Before the bunny left he threw a withering glare out Grian, mouthing 'I'm not finished with you' before walking away.

"What. Was that about?" Asked Tango confused, looking to his boyfriends to see if they got it. Both shook their heads no. "Does anyone know why his arm turned black?"

"I wish I could say I did, but I've never read about dragon hybrids having this kind of effect on someone." Stated Joe, Xisuma nodded along with the poet, agreeing with what he was saying.

"Well, how many dead people have we seen be slapped by a dragon tail?" Asked Impulse, semi-jokingly but still semi-seriously.

"One." Was EX's immediate answer. Everyone turned to stare at him. X just shook his head and said. "Video games don't count."

The red twin just huffed. "You didn't specify in what context it was in And for your information, I was referring to Grian just now and not a game."

People dropped that line of conversation after that and gathered around Taurtis to get him to spill about Sam and the people Grian had named.

Later EX would whisper to Scar. "I was referring to a video game."

"I knew it!"

"You know, I completely forgot we were stuck in like a five by five room."


<Ok! So I'm gonna try working one fic at a time, see how it goes. Hopefully I won't get clogged up with 13 works again. Also! I've started a new one-shot book! So if that interests you, please go check out Hermitrcraft one-shot book 2: electric boogaloo! Stay safe and have a wonderful time everyone!>

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