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The sun's rays hit my skin as I traveled through the airport, bag in my hand. I had came wearing a mask to protect my lungs from breathing in the polluted air, but when I got off the plane and pulled my mask down for a quick breather, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the air was a lot cleaner than back home in Korea.

I felt bad about leaving Johnny at our college all by himself, but I needed to leave for a few years to get some stuff done. Now what was I doing in a state such as Connecticut? Well, it’s a long story; but basically I was just really stressed in Korea, and I wanted to take a break from it and go abroad.

I was here to melt away from my stress, and to take a break from everything back home. I planned on staying in America for four years if all went well.

That’s what I was told to say if anyone asked questions.

What was I really doing here? I was here to train to become a k-pop idol. I signed under SM Entertainment early in the beginning of the year. My manager told me not to tell anyone because he wanted to keep me being a trainee a secret until he felt it was okay to let the world know; most likely my debut.

He sent me to America to soak in the culture as well as to get training in dancing and vocals. He said that while I was training in America it would give me the opportunity to pick up on English, whereas in Korea I’d be surrounded strictly by Korean.

Apparently it would be good if I knew how to speak English, in the likely event that I'd need to travel to America for tours after my debut. It made sense, and I was grateful I only needed to stay here for four years instead of seven or even ten.

My manager said that if I trained well that I could possibly come back early, but the likeliness of that was small. I was a good vocalist and I could dance, somewhat, but I still needed a lot of training. Not only in just vocals and dance, but also in attitude. I need the confidence to face crowds and do well in interviews. It takes a lot to be an idol, but I’m ready.

I made my way through town, adjusting my sunglasses. My company had bought me an apartment somewhere around where I was at. I pulled out my manager to ask where my apartment was, but just as I clicked the first number to call him, someone had shouted my name.

I turned around and they waved me over. When I got in front of them they smiled, “Hello Jaehyun, welcome to America! I’m David, your manager assigned told me to show you around the place. You’re probably wondering where your apartment is, huh?” 

I smiled and nervously chuckled as I scratched the back of my neck, “Haha yeah… Could you please show me where it’s at so I can unpack my bag?” 

He nodded and took me to my apartment, then waited outside of my door while I unpacked my single bag. My manager said I’d be buying plenty of clothes while I'm here, and I only needed to pack one bag anyway.

When I finished David lead me to where I’d be training my vocals, then showed me to where I’d be training in dance, and finally gave me a little tour of the area.

When he finished showing me around he gave me some money that my manager instructed him to give me and then gave me his number in case I need him anytime soon.

I went back to my apartment and laid down on my bed, heaving a deep sigh as I closed my eyes. It was a long flight from Korea to here, I was exhausted. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone. It was 4 o’ clock here, which meant it was five in the morning in Korea, so Johnny would be asleep for a few more hours until he had to wake up for school. I’d try to call him in around two hours to tell him I landed safe.

In the meantime, I decided I’d go and buy some food at the grocery store, I’d need it sooner or later anyway. I got up from my bed and grabbed the keys that came with the apartment and locked my door on the way out. 

I guess the money David gave me is gonna come in handy. 

I made it to the grocery store and soon realized that I didn’t really know English and so I’d be relying on pictures to figure out what it is exactly that I’m buying. That and translators and google for the awkward checkout thats soon to come.

As I strolled around with my cart a disappointed look sprouted upon my face as I struggled to decipher the strange characters printed on everything around me. I just grabbed what I knew I’d need; water, bread, milk, eggs, different meats, sauces and spices that I’d hopefully be able to use the correct way, and some canned soup. I bought some fruits and veggies too, and wandered across some noodles and got a lot of that as well.

When the time for checking out came, I just pulled out my phone and used google translate.

“Hello, did you have a nice time shopping with us today sir?” The cashier said.

I gave a confused kind of sad look, knowing I couldn’t understand her, and I typed into my phone Korean to English and played the audio option that came up after it translated.

“I no English. Please checkout, no money.” 

With the look the cashier gave I just knew that the translator gave some kind of choppy response and I mentally face palmed as my face went red and I gave her an awkward smile.

I was trying to tell her I didn’t speak English and that I just wanted to quietly check out, but I didn’t know their currency.

She kept scanning with a skeptical look on her face and finally told me my total. I had to look up how much it was in won so I could attempt to give her the correct amount.

I pulled out my money and she seemed relieved to see me with it. Did that translator say I didn’t have money? I handed her the money and she counted it then nodded with a smile, giving me a thumbs up.

I took my bags and put them all onto my arms and walked back to my apartment. Unlocking the door was a little tricky with all the bags on my arms, but I managed to unlock and open it. 

I put my groceries away and checked the time; 5:30.

I decided I’d try to give Johnny a call. The phone rang for a minute and I was about to hang up until Johnny actually did pick up.

“Hello?” His voice was raspy on the other end.

“Morning Johnny! I got here in America safely. You will not believe the afternoon I’ve had. I went to the grocery store and realized I didn’t know English, so at checkout I had to use a translator. I think the stupid thing accidentally said I had no money instead of I didn’t know the currency.” I rambled.

I heard Johnny laugh through the phone, “Haha! Nice man. Sounds like you’ve already been through some crap and you’ve only been there how long?”

“Four hours…” I said embarrassed.

“Pfft! You’ve only been there for four hours and you already have been through all that? Oh dude, I feel bad for you. Good luck in America man, you’re gonna need it.”

“Yeah haha, for real.”

“Anyway, can you tell me why you had to leave so suddenly? It’s hard to believe it was only because you were ‘stressed out and wanted to get away’ c’mon, why’d you actually leave?”

“For some stuff Johnny. I told you this already, and I can’t tell you anything else, I’m sorry.”

“Alright well unlike you, I still have school. While you’re there in America why don’t you stop by Chicago and say hi to my parents for me? Talk to you later Jae. I can’t wait for you to get back.”

I  could feel Johnny’s sad smile through the phone and I felt bad for leaving him so suddenly, “Haha yeah I’ll say hi to them for you. Talk to you later Johnny, I’m gonna miss ya while I’m here.”

The call ended and I suddenly felt like the loneliest man in the world, no doubt Johnny felt just the same way. I wish I could have just trained in Korea, but my manager said it was “just too much work for me to take on” since I had college and stuff, and so apparently his bright idea was to just secretly send me away.

Now I’m missing out on my education and hanging out with Johnny. I don’t understand why he didn’t want anyone knowing I’m a trainee anyway.

I gave a deep sigh and fell back onto my bed and curled up into a ball and fell asleep. It was gonna be a long day tomorrow.

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