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{DABI'S POV}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I looked down at the list in my hands, only two names ticked off. Riku Takahashi and Kaito Ito.

Kaito was a pretty woman, but that wasn't enough to spare her life. She was a small loss to a bigger cause, but paired with all the other smaller losses, it will appear great.

The first five names on my list are all new the the Kurogiri cartel. They weren't as involved as the other people. Their say in the prices weren't great, they were just told where to meet the buyer and they would no questions asked.

Of course they were the ones to go into the more dangerous places, neighborhoods known for violence and rapes.

The people on my list are more expendable than the other members but them being gone will still pack a punch. Who will sell in those neighborhoods now? Who will they throw under the bus when things get tight?

I smiled a little, not being able to stop myself from thinking what that bitch Kurogiri could possibly be thinking now.

He was never one for revenge, so I doubt he'll fight back by murdering people who work for me. However, he is still clever and can think of other solutions. None of which would be moving to another city. Net yet at least.

Riku Takahashi put up more of a fight than Kaito. That was expected though, the worst thing Kaito tried to do was cut me which only helped me kill her.

Riku threw a few punches, only being able to land one but it didn't hurt. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was high when I tried to kill him otherwise he probably would've ran instead of fighting.

He was in with Kurogiri about a month before Kaito joined them. Too bad they happened to die a few weeks later.

The last murder I committed, I almost felt bad for. I knew the police would be onto me after a while, too many people from the same cartel getting murdered and they'd start to expect someone who works for me.

That's what made me decide to kill a homeless person, it didn't take me long to find one. The larger the city to bigger the population of street dwellers.

He tried to run when he saw me, but he didn't get very far. He was old and working his joints overtime made him fall before I even laid a finger on him.

He was definitely the easiest out of all my murders so far, too bad he was the only one I didn't actually want to kill.

A loud thumping on my door made me snap out of thoughts. "Who is it?" I asked, annoyance slipping into my tone.

"Shigaraki," he replied. I silently celebrated for the fact I remembered to lock my door otherwise he would've barged right in.

"Fuck off," I replied simply, "I'm not letting you in so there's no use in sticking around."

"I have some news you prick," Shigaraki argued, kicking the door childishly. "It's about the police."

I rolled my eyes and begrudgingly opened the door, "Talk."

"What, out here?" He asked distastefully. Ignoring my arm that I had strategically placed on my doorframe to block his entrance, he came inside anyway, ducking underneath his blockade.

He made himself at home by sitting on my couch and I slammed the door, my annoyance growing by the second. "You're such a fucking pig, take a hint you idiot."

"What the hell are you talking about," he asked ever so obviously.

"Nothing, just start talking."

"Fine," Shigaraki scoffed dramatically before saying what he wanted to in the first place. "They hired a new detective at the station to keep up with all your murders."

"So?" I asked, what does this have to do with anything? "Did I really let you into my house just so you could tell me this shit?"

"I'm trying to stop you from getting fucking arrested!" Shigaraki stood up off of my couch and pointed his finger at me. That little prick.

"Well if you have one dumbass detective then what's adding another dumbass detective gonna do?" I argued back, slapping his crusty ass hand back down. "If anything it'll just slow them down, dumb and dumb causes arguments, I think out of all people you'd be pretty fucking familiar with this."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Shigaraki demanded. I opened my mouth with my main goal being to piss him off even more but the shit interrupted me. "You know what? I don't want to fucking hear it so see you in hell!"

Without another word Shigaraki stormed out of my apartment and slammed the door on his way out.

"What crawled up his ass and died..." I muttered to myself.

Another detective, huh? It's only been about two or three weeks since my first murder. It's all the news has been talking about, Tokyo has it's fair share of murders but not this many this close together. I guess it makes sense to bring another detective in. Too bad I didn't leave much behind other than my hand size.

I went over to my computer which sat in my kitchen. I went in searched up the detectives from the police station that have been investigating my cases.

Two pictures showed up, a spiky haired blond guy and a (h/c) haired girl with rather intriguing (e/c) eyes.

I searched up her name first, from what I understood the other guy, Bakugou, was just a transfer until they can solve my murders.

After searching her name I didn't find anything overly critical. She was young, about 26, fresh out of collage but her cases seemed to be mainly all solved. Expect for mine of course.

It surprised me someone that someone that young worked in homicide already, usually that was saved for someone a little more experienced. I guess they put too much trust in her.

I looked up the next guys name. He was only 25, he should still be in college but it was possible he ended a semester early or skipped a grade.

The only thing that stood out to me was their ages. It looked like I wouldn't have to worry about them too much. They're inexperienced.

All I have to do is switch up how I kill people.

I grabbed my switch blade, it happened to be the same one I got from my first victim, Kaito. Seems like she'll be giving me my weapon for the next three on my list. We'll see how many others I have to kill along the way.

Finally.. an update I'm trying not to die for as long. This book is easy for me to get on a write about once I decide what's going on in each chapter. It's also the one that I think I'm going to have to most fun with.

Soo, random question because I like reading your guy's comments:
(Btw this will not affect the outcome of this story)
Who do you want her to end up with? Bakugou or Dabi?

Or secret third option Shigaraki!?🤫😂

Nope just kidding, he ain't an option.

Anyway thanks for reading I hope you enjoy!

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now