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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           THREE DAYS LATER

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Even though Shigaraki was released, I was pissed. He claims they got nothing out of him, but I didn't believe that for a second. Those detectives were annoyingly perceptive, nothing good could come from Shigaraki's questioning.

Part of me wished they just kept Shigaraki, his constant visits were irritating and I was better off without them. The only reason he was released was because my word wasn't credible. Apparently the judge, or whoever decides these things, thought that I could've been lying to cover up my real allies.

I couldn't decide if that was stupid or smart of them to think.

I landed on stupid considering I was being completely honest. Though I knew out of everyone, I was probably the dumbest. Of course I had to get annoyed into running my mouth. Those dumbass officers inadvertently spared me from the consequences of my blind anger.

The only thing that put a smile on my face was the memory of the look of terror on that detective's face. I'd have to admit she held it together pretty well, but I know fear when I see it.

I found some sort of satisfaction in it, even though I couldn't manage to kill her I still managed to damage her spirit.

That other detective, Bakugou Katsuki, would be the challenge. I hated challenges, sometimes it was just dramatic how much work I have to put into some things. Like Kurogiri and his damn money launderers.

The worst part is was that I still had no alcohol. I couldn't risk showing my face again no matter how badly I needed a drink. Shigaraki has been more careful as well, so him running my errands now doesn't seem as likely. I couldn't trust anyone else with my address, even if they did work for me.

The dumbest thing throughout all of this is the fact you can't buy whiskey online. Well, not legally, but that's never stopped me until now. I was getting increasingly paranoid the farther into this I got.

The more people I trust with information the more they could just throw it into my face.

I still had to carefully consider how to kill my victims. Those damn detectives would know anyone with strangulation marks would be my victims. To make things worse (L/N)(F/N) saw me stab Hinata Watanabe that night, they'd have a valid reason to consider me for any body with stab wounds.

I grabbed the knife I had stolen from Kaito Ito and twisted it in my hands. However, it was logical to believe that many people are killed by blades. They wouldn't be able to link me to that crime just because I have killed someone with a knife before.

My hand twirled the knife between my fingers, a grin growing on my face as I recalled the remaining names on my list. Sora Nakamura and Reo Tanaka. I quickly decided which one would die tonight, after all, moving around when it's dark outside isn't as risky.

Besides, I still need to go through with all my revenge plots.


It was around 1A.M. Anyone reasonable would be at home by now, but I had shit to do.

I wore a dark jacket concealing my blade and a gun just incase. I pulled my gloves farther up my wrist, I had almost forgot them like a dumbass. I couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

I continued walking, my heart racing in some sort of healthy anxiety. I passed a few people, no one who spared me a second glance. I had to hide a grin, I wasn't sure if they even knew who I was, or if they cared. Or maybe they were too high or drunk to link me to the released police sketches.

After a bit more walking, I found myself standing at the back his house, from what I knew he lived alone. I took out my knife and cut a hole through the screen, tearing it open so I could fit. Then I tried to open the window which I was relieved to find unlocked.

I opened it slowly to avoid any unnecessary noise. For the most part it was quiet aside from the barely audible noise of it sliding against the frame. Once the gap was wide enough, I climbed into the house easily.

After a little bit of exploring, maybe even a little thievery, I ventured into his bedroom.

He was asleep, he almost looked peaceful. A maniacal grin snuck it's way to my face. His face won't be peaceful too much longer.

I took the blade out of my jacket and toyed with it for a few moments. Enjoying the sense of power I felt, looming over my unexpecting victim.

I didn't hesitate to sink the blade into his throat. His eyes shot open and he gurgled some sort of scream or plea. It was only a matter of second when the light left him and he went stiff.

The familiar adrenaline rush greeted me, it made me feel oddly powerful, like I could get away with anything. I took the blade out of his throat and quickly put it back into the pocket of my jacket.

Before I left, I did a mental checklist to make sure I left nothing behind. No fingerprints would've been left, my gloves had taken care of that issue, my blade was back in my jacket. The only thing here was the body.

Most people would hide it somewhere, bury it in some sort of field. However, I wanted all my kills to be obvious.

Kurogiri would know which murders were mine.

I left the house, some extra dollars in my pocket. I resisted the urge to take his credit card as well, it would only make me easier to find in the end. Tracing where his card was all used and then they'd know my movements.

The dark clothes I wore hide the blood stains easily, combined with the cover of night they were practically invisible.

I grinned to myself, I wished I would be there when those two detectives found the body. Of course they wouldn't be the ones looking into it, they wouldn't know that I was the killer. The case would go cold or some other sap would be thrown in jail for it.

I only had one more name on that list, then I could finally move up the ranks.

I found myself heading into an all night grocery store, picking up some booze on my way home. Sure I had a bloody knife in my jacket and my clothes were splattered in blood, but if anyone noticed they didn't say anything.

The cashier gave me a few strange glances but didn't comment. At the moment, I really didn't care about getting caught, most of my caution and previous paranoia had flew out the window.

Something about the adrenaline rush from killing someone made me arrogant and reckless. If I can kill one person what's stopping me from killing everyone else?

I took my alcohol and left, knowing that once I got home I'd be getting my long awaited drink.

Maybe my plotting would finally get better, I was always mire creative when I was drunk anyway.

Dabi's POV is always the most difficult for me since most of the interesting, plot sensitive, stuff happens in Bakugou's or the Reader's POV.

Soooo let me know if these are kind of boring and I'll try to do something better.

As of now the only thing really to be revealed in Dabi's POV is why he wants revenge but I've dropped a lot of hints. I'm not sure if it's obvious because I know why or if it's just obvious.

I'm going to add some more characters along the way as well. 😈

Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now