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{BAKUGOU'S POV}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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"Don't do anything stupid." Kirishima's voice came out of the bluetooth in my car.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm just going home. You can relax."

When I took my leave early today, Tsu didn't comment, but her expression made it clear she didn't believe that I succumbed to my exhaustion. That's probably why Kirishima called me a few minutes later when I was already well on my way to Shigaraki's apartment.

"Okay..." he didn't believe me. "Are you doing alright?"

I held back a sigh. For all his talk about being manly he sure was emotional. "Yeah. I just thought I should give myself some time to think before her funeral tomorrow."

My heart clenched, but I had more important things to focus on than grief.

"Okay, buddy. Don't be afraid to call if you need anything else."

"Thanks," I replied. "Same goes for you."

We said our goodbyes and he hung up. With the call ended, I was finally able to sync the GPS. I needed this to lead somewhere. The three addresses the guy gave me had been a bust. He was right, all we found was drugs and cash. Not a soul was in that house and after sweeping every inch all we had was wasted effort.

Shigaraki knew something, he had to. Someone would have to run the business in Dabi's absence.

Since a warrant for his arrest or even one to search his apartment wasn't likely to go through, I figured I would take matters into my own hands. It was perfectly legal for me to look up his address in our database and pay him a friendly visit.

"The destination is on your right." The GPS' monotone voice came through the speakers. I turned into the lot and parked in the visitors space.

I got out and I could feel my nerves coming back to me. I was never a nervous person before, but after she died all I felt was crushing anxiety. I wasn't worried that I would join her, it was more a pressure I was putting on myself. It told me that if I couldn't catch this guy, for her, then I would be no good. It might even be better for me to join her at that point.

I passed through the lobby and decided to take the stairs just so I wouldn't feel so restless.

The apartment wasn't nice, but it wasn't a place I would expect a drug dealer to hang around. The apartment complex's stairs didn't have the barren, concrete decoration I expected. Wood paneled the ground and the walls were painted a soft beige.

I got out on the seventh floor, the walls and floors remained the same but the lighting was no longer so harsh.

I followed the numbers down until I reached Shigaraki's apartment.

I knocked on the door and listened carefully for any footsteps. I heard nothing. I knocked again, okay, less of a knock, more of an aggressive pounding. I just had to be sure he heard it before I did anything rash.

I waited for a good minute before I got out my tension wrench and pick. After a few seconds I heard the click. I turned the door knob and entered his apartment.

I closed the door behind me. I took careful note of my surroundings but I didn't see anywhere he could hiding in the immediate area. I turned my eyes elsewhere and I quickly noticed there were no shoes by the door.

His apartment had an open layout. Glass made up a wall which allowed for more than enough natural light. A single couch sat a few yards behind a TV that was pushed against the wall. The dark wood floors turned to tile in the kitchen. The countertops were a mess. Random mail sat out along with dirty dishes and paper plates that never made it to the garbage.

Even with the clutter I noticed the lack of some essential items. His keys weren't here along with any phone chargers and when I looked in the bedroom closet I estimated that there were about two outfits present. The thought that this wasn't his real residence came to me, but when I looked in the fridge and found things like milk and eggs, things that could expire, I wasn't so sure about that.

I checked the bathroom. There was a suspicious lack of toiletries. I toyed with the idea of him just having bad hygiene, but there were spaces among his items for things like a toothbrush or deodorant.

It was like he packed up and left. Maybe he heard about us searching Dabi's apartment and decided to go somewhere just in case we came here.

I sighed. Who else could I reach out to? Who else may have an idea of where he could've gone?

I remembered he had three other siblings. Toya has been missing for almost a decade, there's a chance they don't even know him that well anymore. But I was at such a loss that they were my only lead.

Enji Todoroki was dead because he was interviewed, though. Would I condemn them to the same fate?

The crime scene appeared personal, and after talking to the man I didn't doubt it. Did he feel the same way about his siblings? Now was no time to hesitate. I would visit them. They all grew up with the same father, his siblings had nothing to do with his treatment.

I opened the apartment door and stepped outside.

With the new scenery came a new thought. "His younger brother Shoto was much more adept. He couldn't handle that and began lashing out." Maybe I should steer clear of the youngest brother, or at the very least tell him the risks of meeting with me.

I held my head high as I made my trek down the stairs. I would just have to keep chasing him. Keep pushing for new leads.

I would have my vengeance on my terms.

Short chapter. I'm not very good at dragging these things out lol.

Ok- I officially have the ending figured out- y'all are not ready for it. There is going to be 47 chapters. It does kinda leave an opening for more to happen but we'll see if I go for it. Probably not considered I all but abandoned this book for a good two years.

Anyways thanks for reading!!

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now