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{BAKUGOU'S POV}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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There was another murder and I was getting increasingly irritated. We knew it was Dabi, the dumbass clearly didn't know how to wash a knife.

Quick DNA testing revealed blood from the previous murders, Hinata Watanabe and Kaito Ito.

So far I wasn't good enough to catch the bastard, neither was (L/N). After a simple glance at her I could tell she knew that as well. She looked sick to her stomach, and I knew it wasn't because of the crime scene in front of us.

The suburban house buzzed with police officers. A few neighbors curiously stood in their front yards, but thankfully kept their distance.

What really caught my attention was when (L/N) quickly and silently made her way from the room.

A few heads followed her as she exited, but I was the only one who pursued her.

In the hallway, I spotted her leaning against the wall. Her head was pointed up, I could hear her breathing from where I stood a few feet away as she tried to calm herself down.

I knew what she was thinking. That all these people were dying because we weren't good enough.

The thought was in my mind, too, but I wasn't about to have a mental breakdown over it. One of us had to keep our head screwed on straight and it clearly wasn't going to be her.

I didn't say anything, even if I did it wouldn't be anything I haven't said before. Maybe she was too damn stupid to remember any of it, or maybe she did remember it but just didn't believe me whenever I said we'd catch the burned bastard.

Bitch better believe me because I don't have time to lie.

I leaned on the wall next to her, (L/N) didn't look over. She might've assumed it was me, or maybe she didn't care. "Shouldn't you be looking for evidence?"

She spoke first, her voice was surprising even but it was softer than it usually was. Usually when she spoke she sounded confident, irrefutable. Now she just sounded tired, like she needed a break from everything just to sleep for three days straight.

"Shouldn't you be looking for evidence?" I repeated what she said. It was such a dumbass question. Of course I should be, but what good would it be from just a single perspective. Even if it was my perspective because we all know I'm superior in every way.

"Touché," (L/N) replied, she shifted closer to me but I didn't question it. A few beats of silence passed over us before she spoke again, "We'll catch this guy."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. That fact alone made a grin rise to my face. "Yeah, no shit. I don't even know why you felt the need to say that."

"Dabi will rot in prison for everything he's done," she said again, I knew she heard what I said. Why she thought she had the right to not reply to it? I don't know, but it annoyed me.

"Fuck yeah he will, there's no doubt about it." A fresh, much more devious, grin grew on my face. "No one can outwit me."

"No one can outwit us," she corrected.

"At this rate, it'll all be me," I scoffed, finally glancing over at her, "Clearly you can't take it for too long."

"How can you take it?" (L/N) sighed, not taking my insult overly serious. She shifted closer once again. This time our hands brushed together.

"Because I know in the end we'll get our damn revenge," I told her.

Her words didn't surprise me when she said, "But how can you be sure?"

"I know because I fucking know," I turned to her and narrowed my gaze. "My judgement is always right, I don't see why this time would be any different." Looking forward again, I scoffed at her worry.

I heard (L/N)'s shoulders brush against the wall as she shrugged. She never replied with words, not right away at least. Instead she turned and wrapped her arms around me. At first I was caught by surprise, but shockingly wasn't uncomfortable or annoyed. "You seem like the person who hates physical contact," she began, "So I'm sorry, but I just wanted a hug."

"Why the hell are you apologizing," I returned the hug, putting my arms around her waist as I pulled her slightly closer. "Did you read a book about how to be as pathetic as possible?"

She was warm and her grip was surprisingly soft. I recalled when I first shook her hand, it felt like a competition to see who had the firmer grip. Now she seemed too timid, almost vulnerable. It felt like this case would be the end of her in more ways than one. That thought alone made me grit my teeth as I made a silent promise to myself.

"No, I don't need to," she muttered into my shoulder, "I think I'll only stop thinking I'm pathetic when Dabi is sitting behind bars."

"That burned bastard won't be able to avoid us forever," as I spoke a new question rose to the front of my mind. "How have you gotten through all your other cases, you don't seem to be able to handle shit on your own."

"My other cases have never had a spree killer," (L/N) answered, "It was all only assaults or revenge, one time things. I had never really been on a time table like this one. If we take too long it's almost certain another murder will happen. At this point it feels like we're taking our damn time."

I found myself beginning to move my hand un and down her back. I was never good at comforting others, but this seemed like a start.

"We aren't taking our damn time," I told her, "That bitch just seems to get off to killing people. It's not our issue that asshole has fucked up morals."

"But it is, we have to catch him," the conversation was going in circles and I was getting rather annoyed by it.

"We will catch that burned bastard," I practically growled, "How many times do I have to say that to get it through your damn skull."

"I don't know," she muttered, her head pressed further into my shoulder. For a horrifying moment my heart raced.

"Well, then you can either be a little bitch and drop this case," I began, "Or finish what you started like any decent human."

(L/N) finally pulled back, her face wore nothing but determination as she proudly spoke her next words. "We'll be the ones to catch that son of a bitch and finally stick him in jail."

More of a filler chapter but I hope it was still enjoyable. A lot of fluff and maybe some foreshadowing. (I'll never tell).

I'm also working on a Bokuto fanfic at the moment, I'll let you guys know when that's up if you're interested. (I'm really just waiting for the cover).

Anyway thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!

Murders in Tokyo |Bakugou x Reader x Dabi|| Where stories live. Discover now