chapter 1

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Chastain hospital 

10 weeks since the death of her sister, nic has been walking around trying to find answers to what caused her sister to die, a few weeks after her sister died the hospital CEO made a decision to partner red rock medical team and ever since they took over they made budget cuts and know they made cuts to the nurses schedules, meaning most of the nurses in the hospital were working double shifts because there were not enough nurses to work on the wards and most of them were too tired to go home, since then they had an accident with one of there nurses because she was exhausted from doing two double shifts.


after recent events in the past two weeks, nic has been feeling tired, getting frequent headaches and now she had started with a new symptom which was nausea, to Nic she thought her illness was down to the red rock medical organization and being overworked but now she has doubts and her illness could be something else , then it dawned on her soon nic had an inkling of what her problem was and since she was still in the middle of a double shift so all she could do is slip into the nearest supply closet, in the supply closet she gets a pregnancy test kit and she heads to the bathroom were she takes the test.

nic sat on the toilet with the little white test stick in her hand waiting for the result to come through deciding her fate, three minutes later the result comes through, the result is that she is expecting hers and Conrads child, she breathes a sigh of relief then she cleans up and heads straight back to work to continue the rest of her 30 hour shift.

a few hours later 

nic is halfway through her, long shift she hadn't eaten much since she started work since she was to busy to grab something to eat, as she stood behind the nurse's station in the emergency department working, nic stood up straight ready to help her patients, as she stood up a wave of dizziness washed over her, she sways on the spot before reaching out for the nurses desk, but her dizziness didnt go unnoticed by her boyfriend Conrad, nurse Jessica who is now back to work after her accident, Irving, and devon.

as nic swayed on the spot Conrad spotted her and he rushes to his girlfriend's side, he grabs her shoulder and tries to steady her, but her body couldn't take the dizziness and soon she started to fall, as she falls Jessica, Irving, and devon see Conrad reaching to catch her, she falls into his arms unconsciously, soon the nurse and the two doctors are rushing to help their friends.

"hey, I need a trolley over here now" shouts Conrad.

two transport staff bring over an empty trolley they park it beside the nurse's desk, Conrad picks up nic in a bridal style he places her unconscious form flat on the bed.

"okay bed 2" orders Irving pointing to the vacant bed.

"I want full-bloods," says Conrad ut then he is cut off by devon and Irving telling him to take a step back since it is his girlfriend on the trolley.

"Conrad step back, you can hold her hand but you can't treat her," says Irving.

"fine but I am watching your every move," says Conrad.

"okay Jessica do her vitals please and attach her to the monitor, and once you have done that get her into a gown we are keeping her in for observation," says devon taking charge.

Jessica does as she is told she hooks nic up to the monitors and soon it becomes apparent to why nic collapsed, Conrad seen the numbers on the monitor.

"hey her blood pressure is low, maybe she collapsed from exhaustion due to being overworked," says Conrad pointing out the obvious.

"well we have seen what can happen when you continually work double shifts, hey look at me I survived and so will Nic," says Jessica.

"yeah but it doesn't explain her low blood pressure," says Conrad.

"we will put in an iv and start fluids and keep her monitored until she regains consciousness," says devon.

"hey if she worked 30 hours and she was busy maybe she didnt have time to eat, causing her sugar levels to dropped so low" suggests Irving.

"I can do a prick test on her finger," says Jessica.

"do it" answers devon.

Jessica does as she is told she pricks the end of nic finger and draws blood, then she tests the blood, and soon it proves that nic sugar levels are low.

"give her dextrose know, and get orange juice for once she is conscious," says devon.

Jessica gets a syringe filled with dextrose, she injects it into the iv in nic arm as soon as the dextrose gets into nic's bloodstream it starts working, and soon nic wakes up, Conrad rushes to the side of the bed and hugs her.

"what happened and why am I in a hospital bed," asks nic in a  groggy voice?

"you collapsed due to low blood sugar levels since you forgot to eat during your shift," says Irving.

"yeah but her blood pressure is still low," says devon.

"guys am fine i just need some sleep," says nic massaging her temples where headache currently is.

"hey you okay," asks Conrad?

"Yeah, just a headache" answers nic.

"anything else we need to know about," asks Conrad?

"Hey, can I talk to Conrad alone please," asks nic?

Irving, devon, and Jessica look to Nic and see her serious face then they agree to her request.

"fine shout if you feel worse," says Irving.

irving, Jessica, and devon all walk away leaving conrad and nic to talk quietly.

"so you want to talk privately go ahead," says conrad.

"i didnt want people to find out and i didnt eat your right but I also have another explanation for my low blood pressure and it also explains why I collapsed and I know the reason and it will show on my blood," says nic.

"okay what you going on about you mean you already know what's wrong with you," asks Conrad?

"yeah, I found out that I am pregnant" answers nic.

"wait I am going to be a daddy," asks Conrad shocked.

"yeah you are," says nic.

"Look I know you don't want people knowing yet but these three will soon know when they see your test results," says Conrad.

"fine but only them and while you do that I might get some sleep," says nic laying back I bed.

Conrad walks to the nurse's station, he approaches the nurse and the two doctors.

"Hey guys nic told me something and it will be on the blood so I thought to tell you before they come in," says Conrad.

"so nic knows why she collapsed" asked Irving?

"yeah she is pregnant," says Conrad.

"congrats," all three say together. 

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