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Chastain hospital

Randolph sat in his office doing paperwork when he heard about one of his nurses collapsed in his emergency room, he was shocked at which nurse it was when he found out that it is nic Nevin the nurse practitioner he flew from his chair and he speed-walked to the emergency department.

emergency department

Conrad stood talking to a patient whilst his girlfriend lay sleeping two beds away from his current patient, Randolph walks through the doors Conrad sees him he puts the patient file down he had in his hand, he rushes to the nurse's desk where he finds his boss talking to the head nurse and the two doctors treating his girlfriend .

"how is nurse Nevin doing," asks Randolph?

"err she is fine her blood sugar levels are nearly within normal range and her blood pressure is gradually coming up with the help of the fluids" explains Irving.

"yeah she is fine thanks for asking but she wouldn't be in that bed if you didnt partner with red rock and cut our nurses, and she wouldn't be exhausted and too busy to eat and nearly kill our child" shouts Conrad.

"oh nurse Nevin is pregnant congratulations," says Randolph.

"yeah and she only just found out and she doesn't want people knowing in case she miscarried," says Conrad regretting the way he spoke to his boss and telling him nic's news.

"did she collapse due to being pregnant," asks Randolph?

"yes and not eating regularly and not to mention she is halfway through another thirty-hour shift" answers Irving.

"right I will speak to the nursing supervisor and make sure she gets two days off to rest," says Randolph.

"great but could you not tell people please she will kill me if she finds out I told people," says Conrad.

"I will but I will need to tell red rock and the board when she is past 12 weeks," says Randolph.

"oh we will but I need to get back to my patients before she wakes up and gets discharged," says Conrad.

the CEO walks off satisfied about how one of his valued nurses ended up in another hospital bed due to red rock after Randolph walks away Irving walks over to Conrad to give him the good news about nic being discharged once she wakes up.

"hey nic's new test results are back and her numbers are good and when she wakes up I am willing to discharge her," says Irving.

"great I am going to see her know all my patients are ready to be handed over," says Conrad handing files to the nurses.

Conrad walks over to nic's bed he sits at the side watching her sleep, soon nic wakes up when she feels she is not alone she feels the heat from his body right near her, she opens her tired eyes to find Conrad sat beside the bed watching her sleep.

"hey you know its weird when you watch someone sleep," says nic.

"well I can't help it you look radiant when you sleep and I am trying to imagine you with a bump carrying our child," says Conrad.

"well you can stop thinking we still have seven and a half months to go so get used to me still being slim for the time being, and sorry I slept too long," says nic.

"oh it's okay you look like you needed it," says Conrad.

"I think I did, but, to be honest, I can't wait to go home to my own bed and sleep but that won't be for long since I probably have another shift soon," says nic.

"oh I need to talk to you I spoke to Randolph and he says you are having two days off sick so you can sleep, once you're discharged," says Conrad.

"oh right and when do I get discharged then," says nic.

"well your paperwork is done, and nurse Hundley is here to remove your iv line, and to give you information on how to eat properly," says Conrad.

"what about when I can't keep anything down," asks nic?

"just eat foods that are bland and drink plenty of fluids," says nurse Hundley.

and you should try and if you cant then we will speak to your consultant for advice," says Conrad.

"hey maybe we should ask Irving to let me keep in the iv then I can just give myself fluids at home when I get dehydrated," says nic.

"that won't be necessary because you are what nine maybe ten weeks so morning sickness is supposed to stop by week twelve so you don't have long" explains Conrad.

"hey could you go and ask if I can get change so then I am ready when I get discharged instead of boring me to death," says nic.

"fine I will since I think you are starting to feel better," says Conrad walking to the nurse's desk.

Conrad speaks to Irving he agrees for nic to get changed, Irving signs her discharge papers and hands them to Conrad.

Conrad takes the papers and walks over to his waiting girlfriend.

"you are free to go so get changed so i can take you home," says Conrad.

nic gets changed into her outdoor clothes, once she is dressed she opens the curtains to the cubicle where she finds Conrad waiting patiently for her.

"you ready to go then," asks Conrad?

"yeah let's go," says nic.

"see you in two days and not a day before," says Irving and Pravesh.

Conrad walks nic out to her car were he guides her into the passenger seat whilst he drove her home.


Conrad and nic house

Conrad pulls into the driveway of his and nic's home, he helps her out of the car and soon they walk up to there front door linking arms together, Conrad opens the door he lets nic into the house once they were both inside he closed the door behind them.

"right you my sweet to bed you need to sleep," says Conrad guiding nic to the bedroom.

nic does as she is told, she walks into the bedroom she gets unchanged and slips into a comfortable pair of pants and a baggy shirt, she climbs in bed, soon Conrad does the same he climbs in beside her she rolls to her right side, he snakes his arms around her waist then he puts his flat palm of his hand on her stomach like protecting his child, soon the two fell asleep in the same position.

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