chapter 13

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Chastain park memorial hospital


Nic was wheeled along the corridor with Conrad walking beside her while the friendly transport guy pushed the chair Nic was sat in, they arrive at the outpatients area, the transport man leaves Nic near the waiting room, ten minutes later the consultant shouted the resident and the nurse practitioner through.

they enter the room and when they get in there they find the consultant and the resident for Obgyn who is friends with Conrad, since he managed to save her job and the maternity department, the resident looks to Conrad and the new patient who entered the room she smiles at the sight of Conrad in the room.

Clair: Doctor Hawkins what a surprise to see you here.

Conrad: Clair glad to see you in our still open maternity unit.

Clair: so why you here, you helping a colleague?

Nic: err you two know each other?

Clair: Conrad saved our jobs when red rock wanted to close the department down, to us he is a saviour, and seeing him here is a shock we have never had the chief resident in the room when a scan is in progress.

Conrad: Clair I am here as the father not as the chief resident.

Clair: wait you two having a baby.

Nic: yeah and we are also engaged to be married but not a lot of people know.

Clair: congratulations any other surprises you have for me?

Conrad: we fostered a fourteen year old girl we saved her from her abusive and drug addicted parents, and she is happy with us.

Consultant: so I heard you collapsed this morning?

Nic: yeah our foster daughter her parents came in to the hospital, they want her back, but then they became abusive, the stress got to me.

Consultant: okay I wont do your vitals since the emergency department are still monitoring you so I will just do the scan and make another appointment for four weeks okay.

Conrad: great I cant wait to see our little one.

Clair: right lets get started .

Nic gets out the  chair with Conrad's help, she walks to the exam table, she climbs onto the table and Clair starts the machine, Nic rolls her scrubs top up revealing her stomach which isn't flat anymore, they place the wand to her stomach and then a picture pops up on the screen, conrad stood to the side watching as his little baby appeared on screen.

Conrad: wow what an amazing sight.

Nic: yeah that is our baby.

Conrad: is everything okay?

Clair: it is would you like to hear the heartbeat?

Nic: yes please.

Clair turns the sound on the machine, a few minutes later the amazing sound comes through, Conrad and Nic smile when they hear the heartbeat of there baby for the first time, Nic looks to Conrad she sees the tear in his eye.

Clair: Wow know this is a first Conrad Hawkins crying on hearing the sound of his baby's heartbeat.

Conrad: hey that is amazing to hear, but if I hear this on the corridors I know who it came from.

Clair: well we are happy with you, but since you collapsed today we would like for you to stay in the emergency department and be monitored for another hour or two, know would you like pictures printing.

Nic: yea can we get four please.

Clair: sure I will get them printed off and they will be ready for you at the reception, i will send doctor Feldman a message for observation for 2 hours then you can be discharged.

Nic: thanks.

Conrad: and i will be with her she wont be getting stressed.

Nic gets off the table and gets into the awaiting wheel chair, with the help of Conrad, he wheels her out the room and they head to the reception desk where they get the appointment for the next visit, and they also get the pictures of the baby, once they are finished Conrad wheels his pregnant fiancée to the lift where he takes her to the emergency department.


emergency department

Nic and Conrad where in the lift, the lift goes from the fourth floor to the ground floor, the doors open he pushes the chair out the lift, soon the two are greeted by there friends.

Irving: I got the message from Obgyn and they want you being monitored for another two hours.
Nic: yes and  then  I am  free  to  go  home  but then I  am  back  in  work  tomorrow .
Irving: whoa hold your  horses when  I discharge  you in two  hours  you  can  go  home  and  rest, but since  you  collapsed  today  I  will  be  telling  you  that  you  can't  work  tomorrow  because  of  your  recent  illness.

Conrad: I agree  with  that, you  can  stay  home  helping  abby  with her college work  since her  hard work  paid off  and  know  she  has  been  accepted  in to college  to do  the course  she  wanted  plus  basic math and  English  skills.
Nic: wait she  got  in why didn't  she  tell  me?

Conrad: she  wanted  to  tell  you  but you  were asleep  and  I  told  her  not to wake  you.
Nic: how  thoughtful  but you  didn't  have  to  let me  sleep.

Conrad: yes I did  you  are  pregnant  and  you  shouldn't  be  stressing  out especially  after  today.
Nic: fine then I will  rest and  if cain or kim see you  they will  have your  head  on  a silver  platter  when they find  out  you  are  not treating  patient.

Conrad: okay I will  go treat patients  but I will  be  back  in  less than  two  hours  to take  you home.
Nic: great can't wait.
Conrad  walks off leaving  nic  to lie back  and  close  her eyes and  rest and  try not  to  think  about  abby  going  back  to  her horrible  parents.


Two  hours  later

Nic lay on the bed with her  phone  in hand checking  her  texts  to  make  sure abby  hasn't  text her, as she  lay looking  at  the  electronic  device in her  hand, her mind is distracted and  then  she  thinks  about her  future  with  abby  especially  after  meeting  her  delightful  parents and  for nic  she  couldn't  let  a young  girl  who  has come  so far go back  to  them, then she  had  a  light bulb  moment, maybe  she  and  conrad  should  make  abby  officially  theres by adopting  her  and  giving  her  the  family  she needs, instead  of being  in a house  with  drug addicts  who  dont care about  her all they care about  is  where there next fix is  coming  from.

Nic lay dreaming  about  her  perfect  family  with  abby and  her  unborn  baby, as she  was daydreaming she was brought out  of her thoughts when  she  hears footsteps approaching the bed, she  looks  up  to  see  conrad  in his street clothes and  he has her spare clothes in his  hand  to.

Conrad: how  you  feeling now?

Nic: better  and  I  just  want to get home  and  see  abby and  hug her.

Conrad: good  know  all you  need to do is  get changed  then we can  go since  Irving  has filed  your discharge  paperwork  already.
Nic: great.
Nic takes off  the  monitor wires and  then  she  takes  out the cannula in her hand, conrad  passes her  a plaster to  cover the puncture  wound, she  places  the  plaster over the  sight, she closes  the  curtains to the  cubicle  and  she  gets changed  in to her fresh clean  clothes, once she  is  ready she  opens  the  curtains, she  walks  out with  conrad  by her side  carrying  her  bag and  holding  her  hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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