chapter 6

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Nic walks away from her young patient, as she walks away she thinks to herself is this what parenthood is going to be like when your child hits 16, they turn to drugs and then me and Conrad turn on our own flesh and blood for there bad choices they made, she walks to the nurses station where she finds Conrad, Devon and Irving all talking about the patients that they were about to receive from the ambulances.

Irving: hey so what did little miss no attitude give you?

Nic: oh she told me a lot but she definitely has an attitude problem but I can see why.

Devon: why?

Nic: she is sixteen years old and she is hooked on heroin, and instead of spending money sending her to rehab or getting her help her parents instead threw her out of the house and left her to defend for herself.

Conrad: hey don't worry our child will not be like her at that age.

Irving: are you sure about that it may take after you I n which case it might break the rules.

Nic: yes our child may break rules but if it has a kind heart like its dad then they will be doing it because they care about the person they are helping.

Conrad: true or it maybe for a girl he likes.

Nic: oh god I hope we have a daughter.

Devon: okay lets get off the idea of Conrad's baby being a rule breaker and get back to the new patients coming our way.

Nic: how many are we getting?

Conrad: eight people all exhibiting signs of drug use and two are serious.

Irving: some have taken drugs but know they are showing signs of other symptoms like the heroin was laced with something.

Devon: meaning the drugs are from a bad batch and we could end up with possibly more patients.

Nic: great lets get to work then I will take this guy( says Nic pointing to the man coming in on  a stretcher the paramedic reals off the problems).

Irving: Nic take the patient to trauma ten and the next one to trauma  eleven the rest in cubicles.

 Nic moves the patient into the trauma room, Irving and Jessica follow in the room behind the patient, Irving, Jessica and the paramedics transfer the patient to the other bed leaving Nic to watch, once the patient is on the bed Nic gets to work along with Irving, soon they get him stabilised, but to Nic and Irving the patient wasn't waking up, the doctor looks to the nurse looking for a reason as to why the man hadn't come round from his high.

Nic: hey Irving this guy is young and fit maybe one shot of Narcan isn't enough.

Irving: give him another shot of Narcan.

Nic grabs the syringe she injects the Narcan into the iv line in the guys arm, once the drugs are in for the second time, the drugs hits the mans system and soon he wakes up,  he looks around then he sees Nic holding a syringe in her hand meaning she spoilt his high.

Man: you bitch you ruined my high.

the man sits up on the bed he lunges forward towards Nic, then he head butts her straight in the face, Nic gets knocked off her balance when the guy headbutted her.

Irving stood to one side shell shocked, then his authoritive tone kicks in.

Irving: I need help in here( trying to restrain the man, he places his arm across the mans chest trying to hold him down to the bed).

Devon and Conrad stood treating the other patients when they hear shouts for help coming from trauma eleven, they rush to the room, as Conrad enters the room he sees his pregnant girlfriend struggling to stand since she was knocked off her balance and she had blood pouring from her nose, then he sees his friend struggling to restrain a patient.

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