chapter 8

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Nic and  conrad house

Three  in the morning nic lay  in  bed trying  to sleep whilst conrad  lay next to  her  snoring his  head off, since she couldn't sleep because of the persistent nausea  brewing in  her  stomach, nic lay a wake thinking about the young girl currently fast asleep in her spare bedroom, to nic abby reminded her of her sister jessie.

The reason nic agreed to conrad  suggestion is that nic couldn't cope  with  the  loss  of  another young person that is  linked to drugs and addiction, if she  said  no she  couldn't handle  hearing that the young woman  she turned away ended up dead, for nic helping abby is like  she is saving her sister all over again.

She lies awake thinking what  they should do tomorrow with abby because  tomorrow  is  a  new day, but for the three  of them it is a new path to helping abby have the family she never had and to get an education whilst she worked, as she lay awake Nic tried to take her mind off the nausea but she couldn't instead the nausea grew into vomit, Nic got out of bed and she walked slowly to the ensuite bathroom she closed the door behind her, she got to her knees and soon her head was hanging over the toilet vomiting whatever was in her stomach from last night.

Nic sat kneeling against the toilet for a good half hour once she knew she was finished, she got up and rinsed her mouth out then she grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth hoping to get the horrible taste of vomit from her mouth, once she is finished she leaves the bathroom and gets back into bed, she accidentally hits Conrad but he didn't budge meaning to Nic he is dead to the world.
Nic lays back in bed, she looks to the clock which know reads four o clock and her alarm goes off at six am meaning she needed to try and get two hours sleep.

Nic closes her eyes and she managed to drift off to sleep.


Six am

Conrad lay in bed sleeping but then his alarm goes off, he slaps the alarm and he turns it off, he gets out of bed and gets changed  ready for the day ahead, he goes to the bathroom and does what he needs to do as he walks out the bathroom he looks to the bed and he sees his pregnant girlfriend still asleep, he watches her then he looks to her face after yesterday's run in with a patient who decided to headbutt her because she ruined his high, Conrad sees she has a black eye that formed over night, he decides to leave her to sleep and he walks out the door and he heads down stairs but not before popping his head around Abby bedroom door.

As he looks in he finds Abby already awake.

Conrad: morning your up early.
Abby: living on the streets you don't sleep much but it's nice being in a comfy bed and in a warm place.
Conrad: good well know it's just adjusting to a knew place so we won't push you, just take your time, but first let's have breakfast.
Abby: great I will get dressed and meet you downstairs.
Conrad: cool.

Conrad leaves Abby to get dressed, once she is dressed she heads down stairs, once she is downstairs she finds Conrad lifting out cereals and making tea and toast, and he pours a glass of orange juice for Nic.
Abby: wow you didn't have to go to much trouble.
Conrad: well as for you being in a knew place is a change and for me having a young person to care for is a change and it's a learning curve for all three of us.
Abby: it looks great and I could get used to this.
Conrad: please do and don't hesitate to tell us what you think if we need to change something we will, at the moment we are training and you are helping because in a few months we will have a baby to care for so we need to practice so you are the test dummy.

Abby: fine by me as long as I get a loving family who care about me then I am in.

abby and  conrad  were talking down stairs.

Nic  lay in bed sleeping but then she wakes up when she gets a  feeling in her  guts that were churning, then she  gets the familiar feel of bile rising up the back of her throat, nic threw the covers off her body  and then she gets out of bed and  she rushes back to the bathroom, In the bathroom she  throws up whatever is left in her stomach, once she  is finished she walks to the bed where she finds it empty.

She looks to the  bedside clock  and  it read 6:30 am, nic rushes to get changed, before she goes down stairs she  heads back to the bathroom, once  in the bathroom  she  looks at her face in the mirror and  to her she  is  shocked to find her eye bruised, she looks  at it for  another  minute and  then  she  had enough she left her bathroom and bedroom.

She walks  down the stairs, when she  gets downstairs she  finds  conrad  and  abby having  breakfast and  chatting, conrad  stops  talking  he looks  to  the  stairs and  he sees nic walking  down the stairs.

Nic walks to  the  breakfast bar and  sits down.

Conrad: morning want some breakfast?
Nic: err not for  me  thanks.
Conrad: sorry no can do  you need to  eat so have some  toast.
Nic: fine if it gets you off my back.

Abby: how  you doing after earlier this morning.
Conrad: what?
Abby: oh I heard you  get up and  be sick.
Conrad: you  were sick early this morning why didn't you wake me.
Nic: it happened so fast and  when  I  got back  into bed I accidentally hit you  and  you didn't wake  up, and  what would you  have done  hold my hair back.
Conrad: yes and  I would  have  sat with  you.
Nic: yes and  if you  did that  then we both would have  only had two hours  sleep.
Conrad: fine I won't argue so what are we doing  today?
Nic: well  if you  remember  I am off today and  you  start your  shift at 8am on the  dot, so me and  abby are spending  the day together.
Conrad: okay just don't over do it.
Nic: we won't since we are looking at college and volunteering jobs too, creating  a  cv.
Abby: cool can't  wait.
Conrad: right I will  leave you two to do whatever  you  are doing, abby make sure  she eats today.
Abby: I will.

Conrad  grabs his  bag and  leaves  the  house, and  he sets off to  work.

Nic decided to  have  some  cereal  since  If she  didn't  eat abby would grass her up to conrad.

Abby: so what  are  we  doing  today?
Nic: well the first half  I thought we could  go shopping  for  new clothes  and  books  for learning and then  we need to talk about your last education.
Abby: what  do you  want to know?
Nic: well  what do  you  want to  do  when you  left school  did you want to be a lawyer or vet or doctor?

Abby: when I started high school I didn't really know what I wanted to be because my parents couldn't care what happened to me or my grades, but watching you and Conrad help people I have decided I want to be someone who helps sick people maybe a doctor.

Nic: good I am glad we could be role models to you.

Abby: I am happy to be here least someone wants me.

Nic: hey why don't we set off in ten minutes and go shopping and we could stop of and get a brew at the coffee shop near by.

Abby: that sounds amazing.

Nic: right get ready.

Abby does as she is told she gets ready and soon Nic and Abby are in the car, and on there way to shopping and a girly day out.

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