Chapter 7: Lucas

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A/N: I have no idea who drew this picture, but all credit goes to them. I saw this and immediately thought of the new character I'm introducing in this chapter. So, when he comes into play, picture this Naga.

Sunlight slowly crept into the burrow, making me let out a soft groan. I slowly creek open an eye, smiling at the sight of Arthur sleeping next to me. I pull myself closer, thinking about what had happened in the passed two days. I ran away from home from my abusive dad, met someone I knew as child, fell in love with him and lost my innocence to him. I smile slightly, letting out a soft giggle. That will be one hell of a story to tell the kids. Arthur let out a soft groan, pulling me closer to him. His tail was still wrapped around my lower abdomen in a protective manner, his arms loosely holding my waist. I giggle softly, sitting up. I wince at the sharp pain in my lower abdomen, a painful reminder of the night of passion the night before. I managed to stand up, having to use the wall. I walk to the entrance of the burrow, using the wall for support as I look at the gorgeous view. Lushous green trees and plants stretching far passed the horizon, rivers cutting through the heart of it all, waterfalls rushing in the distance. I smile, leaning against the frame of the entrance, just taking in the view. I didn't realize how long I had stared until I felt a pair of strong arms gently wrap around my waist, slightly startling me. "Good morning beautiful." A husky voice whispers in my ear, causing goosebumps to form. "Good morning Arthur." I look up at smile at him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. He chuckles softly, kissing my forehead. "Did you sleep well?" "I always do in your arms." I lean against his broad body, staring out to the forest again. "Do you want to explore love?" He asks, looking down at me. "I'd like that." I smile. He chuckles softly, his tail wrapping around me, this time going up to my chest. "W-Wait, Arthur, my clothes..." "You won't need them." He states simply. "Love, you're in my forest. No one is going to see you. Besides, why do you need the clothes? Your body is beautiful." I blush slightly and look away. "A-At least let me get my underwear..." I stutter out. He lets out a soft sigh and lets me go. I noticed my red bag in the corner of the room and I walk over to it, grabbing a pair of underwear and a bra, putting them on. Once I was finished, I walk back over to Arthur. His tail wraps around me again and he slowly climbs down the tree, making my anxiety act up. I absolutely hated heights. Once we were on the ground, Arthur gently sets me down and holds out his arm. I smile and take, leaning my head against his shoulder. He smiles down at me, leading me through the forest. We walked (And slithered) in silence, watching birds fly across the mostly clear sky, squirrels chase each other along the ground, and even ran into a green tree snake, that Arthur had a strange conversation with. I let out a content sigh, closing my eyes as we walked. "Happy love?" Arthur asks with a smile. "Very. I feel so... at home here." I smile at him. He chuckles softly and suddenly stops, looking over to the east. His eyes narrow, his 'snake eye' slits narrowing as well. "Everything alright hon?" I ask, looking at him. He nods slightly. "I have to go love. I'll be right back." He plants a gentle kiss on my forehead before slithering away, leaving me confused. I shrug it off as nothing as continue to walk through the forest. I came to a stop at a little creek, smiling as I slowly wade in the cool water. I walk down the creek, feeling the small fish lightly swimming over my bare feet. "Well well well..." A dark voice coos, making the whole forest fall silent. I scream as a black and red tail wraps around my waist. "What have we here~" Another Naga pulls me closer, forcing my body against his strong chest. "A little human who appears to have lost her way. I look up at him, fear settling in my body. I stare into his golden eyes, his eyes appearing to be black rather then white. "But they need not worry, for they have been found." He lightly places his clawed finger under my chin as he tightened his coils, making me whimper and look away from him. "Hm, and she smells delicious." He leans down, forcing his face on his neck, taking a deep breath. His eyes widen and he hisses slightly. "She also smells like that bastard Arthur." He growls, looking down at me. His grip tightened even more, enough that my joints popped. I whimper again, trying to struggle out of his grasp. "Well now, ol' Lucas will have to fix that." He pulls me closer, and I could feel the tip of his tail force itself between my legs, lightly pressing against me through my underwear. My eyes widen as I violently shook my head. "N-No! Please! I-I have a mate!" I shout, trying to push him away, but my arms were pinned tightly to my side by his tail. He leans down and gently sucks on my neck, his short hair lightly tickling my ear. "Don't worry, mate..." He whispers, making tears fill my eyes. "You'll enjoy this just as much as I will. I'll remove all residue of that... bastard." I close my eyes, crying silently. All I wanted was to wake up in Arthurs arms, all of this being a bad dream. 'Please Arthur...' I silently pray. 'Save me.'

A/N: Cliffhanger! Hahaha! And I wanted to ask y'all something. I was thinking of making Scarlet's mother a phoenix, so Scarlett has some sort of fire power. I think it could be a cool concept.

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