NEVER Throw Cursed Objects at Other People

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I will continue this in tagalog when I find the time >.<

It was weird, how we met.
I was walking down the street along the riverbank, when I noticed something washed up by the shore.
I went to take a closer look and found a kind of clay figurine which looked something like a cross between a giraffe and a penguin.
So I decided to take it with me, clean it up a bit back home and check out what it was supposed to be, when I felt it kinda move in my hand. I looked closely at it then, and saw it wink.

I was totally creeped out that I immediately tossed it away and hit him on the head with it.
And that's how I met him.

Well, actually, I had to run away. He chased after me and demanded an apology. You'd think someone hit on the head would at least get a bit dizzy, but no, he actually caught up to me and conked me on the head!
And he got the nerve to ask me for an apology?!

I said, 'You just hit me yourself! Don't you think that makes us even?!'
He said, 'Well, you hit me first, so it's just right for you to apologize!'
And I go, 'Let me hit you back first!' and was about to hit him back when I noticed the giraffe-penguin thing standing up-right on the pavement, staring at me.

I pointed at it and screamed and I guess he got spooked so he kicked it back into the river. And we never saw that giraffe-penguin thingy again.

BL One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon