Chapter 2: Mammoth's Kingdom

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Tatsuya walks to school, trying to forget about the Underworld, was greeted by Gwen, inviting him to a game of UNDERWORLD~~
Tatsuya shrieks, remembering the pain, Gwen asks Tatsuya what's wrong, Tatsuya then explains what happened. "Someone challenged me to a game of Underworld, but he slowly amputates me..the pain.. I can't deal with it!" Tatsuya shivers from terror..
"Tatsuya is scared of pain, Tatsuya is scared of pain!" Tatsuya furiously shouts at Gwen for mocking him.

They enter their respective classes, Gwen invites Tatsuya to a game of underworld. Tatsuya screams and lectures Gwen about her not knowing of his "trauma" Gwen simply laughs it off and tells Tatsuya he's overreacting, they were soon greeted with Vanta Drake, which supposedly invited and planned a battle with Gwen after Tatsuya's loss.

Vanta Drake greets with Crimson Demon "oh! How surprising! I thought you are dead!" Demon replies angrily "I still have 90 life points to spare! I still can lose 9 times" Vanta Drake replied "Oh, I thought you have only 10 life points since you are a newbie!" Gwen shouts "SHUT UP AND FIGHT!"
Vanta Drake gets ready to shoot Gwen and Tatsuya, "Crimson Demon, and Platinum Mammoth, oh Mammoth, you thought your Mammoth Satellite can heal you?! It won't when I destroy it" Vanta charges his Vanta Railer and shoots down Mammoth Satellite, but it disappears, "What?!" said Vanta Drake.

Platinum Mammoth's satellite has been teleported to a safe location, Tatsuya starts to prepare for round two, Vanta Drake gets ready, but as each battle passes, Crimson Demon's speed gets increased,
Vanta Drake tries to dodge Crimson Demon, Tatsuya said "I think I can do it....I CAN CONTROL IT" Crimson Demon gets into an overwhelming speed and chases Vanta Drake, Platinum Mammoth
recharges her mammoth satellite and heals herself, as Vanta Drake tries to destroy the Mammoth Satellite, Crimson Demon manages to find him and amputates his right arm, destroying his Vanta Railer, his biggest weapon. Vanta Drake screams in anguish, he begs for mercy, " took my biggest about this? I give you life points..or I can give you my Vanta Railer?" Crimson Demon clenches his fist and says "Isn't this what you deserve?! You amputated my legs and think that you can just get away with this?!"

Vanta Drake starts to shiver in terror "I only have 10 life points! if I lose I will die!" Crimson Demon was shook, he realises a kid can lose his life if he kills Vanta Drake, he realises to spare him and waits for the timer to end, suddenly, a horde of Underworld players come chasing at them, claiming to give Vanta Drake back, Vanta Drake begged for Crimson Demon and Platinum Mammoth to not, claiming that the Black Guild conducts in dangerous experiments and condemns slavery, Platinum Mammoth, Gwen believes in Vanta Drake for once
Gwen summons her Mammoth Satellite to become the Mammoth Kingdom, she starts to launch bombs to the horde, killing them instantly, Gwen starts to smile as she shout "DIE! DIE! DIE! This is so fun!" As Gwen carelessly launch these bombs, some people has snuck in to destroy the satellite.

Gwen uses her finisher, "NUCLEAR RAIN!" And shoots alot, I mean ALOT of nuclear bombs, almost wiping out all the members of the Black Guild, then suddenly, while guarding the Mammoth Satellite, Tatsuya was attacked by a shadow, and enter one of the members of Top 9, players that have reached level 90 or above and are privileged to make Guilds, Black Guild's leader, Black Venom..
Gwen and Vanta Drake was shocked at the arrival or Black Venom, Vanta Drake claims that "My time is up.." but Platinum Mammoth gets out of her Mammoth Satellite and distracts Black Venom, as Gwen struggles to fight Black Venom, she manages to push the black leader to the leave portal, forcing Black Venom to log out, as Gwen manages to make Black Venom log out, Platinum Mammoth was not strong enough to withstand the power of the Black Leader, she had been Game Over'd and sacrificed her 10 life points, Tatsuya quickly logs out along with Vanta Drake.
A day later.

Tatsuya and Gwen walks home from school, they
saw a boy wearing black clothes, with poorly dyed blonde hair and a skeleton headband, the boy greeted them and whispered "I am Vanta Drake"
Tatsuya and Gwen looks at each other in shock, it turns out that Vanta Drake is a 10 year old boy. The boy apologises to Tatsuya and Gwen, "I'm sorry for what happened, and thank you for saving me even though I wanted to kill you guys.." Tatsuya forgives the boy and asks what's his name "I'm Tatsuya..she's Gwen and what's your name?" The boy replies "I name is Ken" Tatsuya pats Ken in the head and waves goodbye to Ken and went home

As Tatsuya is walking home, he realises Gwen is gone, so he safely assumed that Gwen went home first, as Tatsuya reached home he sees Gwen in his house, eating frozen pizza from his fridge, Tatsuya shouts "How did you get here?? AND WHY ARE YOU EATING MY PIZZA!" Gwen laughs and replied with "Your mom went to a business trip and I'm your babysitter this week"
Tatsuya was shocked...."WHAT THE FU-"

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