Chapter 20

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" I am so sorry sweetheart. I thought, I... I was... . " my dad stopped me when I was half way to the door. I was already exhausted and kind of not interested in listening to anything he wanted to say. He was notorious with lies and deceits.

"Lemmi guess... protecting me? You can cut the crap Hillary, I-I am tired of your endless sequence of agonizing torture. I am tired of just rolling over and taking it and taking it. Hillary, I... I am exhausted of all these."

"All that I did, was because I cared for the three of you, because I loved you honey and I didn't want Zayn to hurt any of you. "

"You hid my baby from me, for almost two fucking years, I thought he was dead. You made me believe that he was dead and that Justin didn't want me, you made me question my worth dad, and then, you sold him like you sold me. You robbed me of the opportunity to raise my son.

You sold me to Zayn, you lied to me and used my mother just to manipulate me, at which point do you see "protecting us"?
What I don't understand is why?
what do you stand to gain out of all these? You are the president for crying out loud, you have money, why would you sell me?"

"Please forgive me.I am begging  you.I am so sorry honey . "he was killing me with his crocodile tears again and those too many" I am sorries. ". As if I was stupid enough to believe him.

"It is too late for that now, Hillary. You know for years I had convinced myself that you loved me and did everything you did out of love, but today I had a wake up call.After seeing my son, when I held him in my arms, I already loved him and I would do anything to protect him. Because that is what parents are supposed to do.

Parents are supposed to care for their children, monsters do not and you know what you are Hillary and I think it is time Henry and I accepted that you are the latter and so that we can stop expecting the former.

The only sad thing is that, your blood runs through my veins .If I had a way,I would drain all your blood out of my system. I, despise you Hillary fucking Green ."

After saying my peace, I turned on my heels and left. I went to my room picked a small travelling bag and threw a few of my jeans and tops and sweaters in it. I tried to call  Venesa to let me stay with her till I knew what to do with my life, but she would not pick up. So I decided to just wonder off until I found a place to stay.

I exited the palace and walked towards the gate, still sobbing like a baby. It was just way too painful to wrap my head around it, the fact that everything was a lie, absolutely every single thing. I was glad when no one dared to stop me or talk to me. And I could almost laugh at the way I knew I looked, like lost soul from 1900s horror movies.

I was fast approaching the gate which was a long distance from my door, but I had to walk since even at almost twenty two, I didn't own a car, my dad thought it was too dangerous for me, and I let him think for me. Of course in college Justin taught me how to drive, but one day, he  got his ass handed to him by my dad's good acolyte,Zayn,for teaching me how to drive.

I quickened my pace to get away from that dark mansion in fear of getting sucked back in and getting stuck.

Then  from nowhere, came Zayn looking like he had had a good fight with something. His hair that was all gelled up a few seconds ago,  was now falling in every which way. His suit, fancy suit was now like it had been collected from a dumpster.

What scared me the most was how his knuckles were all bruised. He noticed me staring at it and I bet my face sold me away.

"Oh, do not worry about this, I am okay, you should see the other guy... Wh-Where are you going by the way? "He just asked softly and I was almost certain he was going to let me go.

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