"To Break A Promise"

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"You promised she will be safe!"
"Joschka, I-"
"You promised me!"

She could see her little brother's ears twitching, his lips trembling under the fury burning inside him.
"I tried to protect her!" She replied, her voice shaking in mutual anger and despair.
"But how can I protect someone that refuses to be protected, Joschka! You know her! You know yourself!"
Her voice got louder, more furious.
"How can I protect you if you hate me for it?"


"Leave me alone."

His movement was stiff, paralyzed with anger, his crutches knocking against the table.
She didn't stop him.
With a bang he slammed the door behind him leaving her in even heavier silence than before.

Nadeja buried her face in her hands, a sob escaped her throat.

This wasn't her fault.
She wasn't responsible for what happened.
There wasn't a thing she could have done.

But it wasn't going to change anything.
It wasn't going to erase the betrayal and pain in her brothers' eyes.
It wasn't going to kill the feel of guilt.
It wasn't going to heal the anger that burned and consumed them from the inside.
It wasn't going to stop the feel of her world breaking apart.
It wasn't going to change a thing of what had happened.

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