Decision made by Heart and Mind

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"Marie, where is a good place to build a clinic?" Adalyn asks which only earned a shocked response from Marie. "Why would you want to build a clinic of all things My Lady?" She questions.

"It's because I want to become a doctor." Adalyn answers nonchalantly. "My Lady please don't think lightly of becoming a doctor. It is a difficult yet honorable path to take and I doubt you can handle seeing a person die much less see a bleeding body." After hearing those words come out of Marie's mouth, everyone except Eva and Jeannette stops in terror.

"But Marie, I truly do want to become a doctor. I know I could do it, I promise I'm the not the person who bluffs about matters concerning life and death." Adalyn argues with such a determined face that made Marie question her abilities. Even though it's true that the medicine she made for fevers and headaches are more effective than the medicines the hospital sells, it's still too far behind to reach the ones that cures diseases. Marie sighs after seeing Adalyn's unwavering determination but that didn't stop her from worrying about her health since she is the weakest among the Blanche family, even the youngest member can stay out in the cold far longer than Adalyn could.

"My Lady, I do not have the power to permit you to do this kind of thing but you have my support. If you truly want to pursue this path then you should talk to your Grandfather." Marie says, finally giving in to Adalyn's wish, "Really? Thank you Marie!" Adalyn's dashing smile made everyone in the room freeze to watch her.

"We'll also support My Lady!" Eva jumps in with a nodding Jeanette beside her. "It's true My Lady, because  of your medicine my cousins became better in just 5 days. I believe you will become a great doctor one day."

Hearing words of encouragement from her favorite people made Adalyn become more motivated to become a doctor and she surely will try her hardest to turn this village into a prospering one.

"Speaking of my Grandfather, when will he be arriving?" Adalyn asks Marie. "Oh, his attendant told me that he will be arriving in two days." Marie answers.

"Great! I'll greet Grandfather with a special blend tea. I'm sure he surely love it." Adalyn giggles as she thinks of cookies that will go well with her tea. Now all of the servants in the room questions about the rumors of Adalyn since she is the complete opposite of what they claim to be.

-- 2 days later --

"H-how do I look Marie?" Adalyn asks for the 16th time of the day as she smoothens the hem of her dress. "You look beautiful My Lady, why are you so worried?" Marie asks as her Mistress would usually act like that around the Crown Prince.

"It's just that... Grandfather will finally be home and I miss him." Adalyn answers genuinely which earned a sigh of appreciation from all the maids and butlers who are lined up to greet the Lord. "Aww Miss, if My Lord hears this he'll cry tears of joy." Marie says as she fixes Adalyn's hair one last time.

"Do you really think so?" Asks a worried Adalyn, "Don't worry too much My Lady, I know he will." Marie encourages to which Adalyn returns with a beautiful and perfect smile.

The doors open to reveal a man in his 60's, wearing a general suite with a stern face. Adalyn gulps but feels so happy to see her Grandfather.

In her previous life, she never had Grandparents whom she could run to whenever her Father abused her but now seeing that very person who will love and protect her from the very end urged her to run and hug him.

"Lord Desmond Banoore, welcome home." The head Butler, James, greets to which the rest of the people followed. Desmond only ignores their greetings and strides to where his Granddaughter stands, 'Ah why is Adalyn standing there? Does she need anything from me?' Desmond thinks disapprovingly but his love for his Granddaughter is greater than the heavens since she is the only girl that his precious daughter left.

"Grandfather, welcome home." Adalyn greets and Desmond just stares at her bowed figure. "It's good to be back." Desmond answers his Granddaughter curtly and gestures his head to indicate the servants to take down his gifts for Adalyn.

"Here's a batch of dresses from the North, I hope you like them my dear." Desmond says as lines of sparkling dresses emerge from the entrance, leaving Adalyn speechless. 'I just had a new batch last 3 days ago, why would I need more?' she questions to no one in particular.

In the past Adalyn had always been spoiled rotten by her family therefore she always expect gifts by the end of every week but now that she have memories of her struggling and poor self, she can't help but change her personality.

"G-Grandfather... These are-" "-the dresses you've always wanted. From the designer, Elizabeth Ring, the greatest designer in the North." Desmond finishes Adalyn's sentence. Despite his letting his Granddaughter grow up to become a brat, he can't help but expect a lot of things from her but that expectation of his died the day she made his name into shame.

"Since I've presented my gifts, I'll now be in my parlor to rest. Good day, lass." Desmond bids his farewell, expecting her to ignore him and just squeal in delight to see those dresses. In a daze Adalyn, indeed, stared at the dresses but she only thought of the price that each of these dress cost.

"Ah wait a minute please," Adalyn rush to her Grandfather's side and tugs on his sleeves since she can't reach his shoulders, "Umm, Grandfather I... Also made you... A, um, welcome back gift." Adalyn whispers with a bashful face since it's her first time giving a gift to someone other than her fiancee.

Desmond is utterly shocked at what Adalyn just said and somehow thought of things that she would demand by the end of the day but the gentle smiles of everyone in the room made him think otherwise. "Oh? Then I'll look forward to it." Desmond says with a smile matching the ones in the room.

"T-then, let's go to the greenhouse." Adalyn says with a bright smile which made Desmond even more surprised since he never seen that smile eversince she stayed at his home. "Alright." Desmond replies as he let himself he dragged away by his adorable Granddaughter.

"Have some of these Grandfather! The peach one is better than the blueberry cookie!" Adalyn bursts as Desmond picks up what his Granddaughter recommended. As he takes a bite Adalyn fidgets with her hands, hoping that the cookies she baked are good enough for his standards.

"Mmm~ these are great! Who made these?" Desmond asks as soon as a burst of sweet and salty flavors comes to live. "Really? I'm so glad because I made this just for you Grandpa!" Adalyn says to which Desmond coughs in surprise. "R-really? You didn't bought this from a store or asked a maid to do it?" Desmond asks incredulously.

"Ah. Is it bad?" Adalyn asks as she remembers that noble Ladies should not go anywhere near the kitchen. She feels very disappointed at herself for forgetting proper etiquette. Desmond, surprised by the sudden gloom, flails his arms around to correct himself.

"No lass, I was just surprised. I never thought the day will come when my own Granddaughter will make me something. I feel very happy with what you've prepared." Adalyn stares at her Grandfather with sparkling eyes, "Then if Grandpa doesn't mind, I'll always prepare tea and biscuit for you!"

Desmond is taken aback at her offer but nevertheless felt great joy, "Yeah, I'd liked that." Desmond gushed. 'I guess this is better.' Desmond thinks as he stares at his giggling Granddaughter.

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