Finding Solitude

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* Weston to Emyr LOL

"Brother Emyr do you think that we could trade with Enren?" Adalyn asks the tall black haired angel. "Well you already have a schedule with the richest merchant and trader from Finadara but I guess it's better to have Enren as backup, just in case we don't get the contract." Emyr comments and looks at his cute little sister with his golden eyes.

"I see, I'll take your evaluation to mind." Adalyn chirps, happy to get help from her intelligent brother who in return flashes her one of his rare soft smiles.

It has been 4 weeks since Adalyn's last interaction with Elliot and Victoria and now she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. "Sighing has already become your habit, ey." Adalyn didn't jump at the voice but a scowl of irritation forms on her lips. The lean figure of Weston emerges along with his twin, Lux.

"What are you two doing here?" She asks with bored eyes, "We want you to read this story." Lux says as he pushes a leathered book towards Adalyn.

Adalyn just shook her head, "Sorry but I don't have time to be reading a child's book." She pushes the book away from her and tries to reach for her documents but the mischievous Weston already has it waving in the air.

"Weston!!!" Adalyn scolds as she tries to reach the documents but the height difference is great that she could only sigh in defeat. The laughing Weston has a triumphant look on his perfectly carved face which made Adalyn scoff in annoyance at her childish brother.

"Weston." A cold voice rings out which immediately sent chills on Weston's back,"Ye-yes big brother Emyr?" Stammers a nervous Weston whereas the two other siblings, Lux and Adalyn, are busying themselves with the leather book as if it is the very first story book they've ever seen.

"You look like you have all the time in the world, would you care to join me and study business ethics and trade?" A sinister smile creeps on Emyr's perfect lips as he watch in fascination his blubbering idiot of a brother. Everybody knows that Weston's speciality is archery and horseback riding but not studying, surprising as it is he was still able to attend one of the most prestigious schools in the land.

"No no no no!" Weston keeps on repeating his word as Emyr drags him by the collar. They are about to get out of the library when Emyr stops for a while and turns to Adalyn's direction, "I also think that you need to rest for awhile, Lyn it's good for the mind." He adds before finally going out with a choking Weston as he tries to get out of Emyr's strong grip.

With the two other brothers gone, Adalyn turns to Lux who took out an encyclopedia from a shelf. He pulls out his reading glasses and puts it on, to Adalyn's surprise those glasses only enhanced his star-like eyes. She can't help but stare for awhile, 'Why didn't I inherit Mom's beautiful gold eyes or my Dad's shimmering blue eyes?' she wonders.

"Aren't you going to read?" Lux asks while fixing his glasses, "Yep!"  Adalyn pipes as she sits beside Lux with the leather book that Weston brought along with him. She opens the first chapter and reads the nameless book.

After sometime Adalyn found herself tearing up quite a bit, reading the last chapter of the book.

The story is about a hero who saved his kingdom from darkness only for the people to return his kindness with hostility. He died being burned on a stake for rejecting the love of the Princess but fate had other plans for the pitiful hero who's everything had been stripped off of him.

During his death, he could hear the voice of the Gods who granted his wish of rebirth and born with the powers of darkness, itself. In his resurrection, he is an immortal with indestructible powers; they say he could control death himself.

He killed the Generals who raped his Mother and the Duke's who ate the children from his village then he killed all those who wronged him. He saved the Princess as his last kill, curing her Everytime she is in the brink of death but know this, he didn't do this for pity but he wants to enjoy each second of the agonizing pain that the Princess feels.

In the end he killed the entire kingdom, only sparing those who he thinks are the innocent and continues to live his life killing while letting darkness consume his conscience and heart.

"Ah." Adalyn finishes and she wipes the corners of her eyes, she can't help but empathize with the hero. She, too, knows what it feels to be stripped off one's innocence and been used for other's dirty gains.

Feeling drained just by reading the book she turns to Lux who is entranced with what he's reading, "I'll turn in early now, there's no need to serve me dinner tonight." "Are you sure, Lynie? You're not feeling sick are you?" Lux asks in worry as he let the book down without care and puts his hand on Adalyn's forehead. His face wrinkles in unease, troubled whether Adalyn is alright or not.

Adalyn pulls away from him and smiles, "I am but I do feel tired, I'll just have a heavy breakfast tomorrow." Adalyn calms the overprotective Lux, "Alright." Lux reluctantly lets Adalyn go since he could see dark circles around her eyes and figured that she really do need a rest.

"Where's Adalyn?" Emyr asks as soon as he enters the library with a dead looking Weston, "She turned in early tonight." Lux answers and immediately concern is seen on Emyr's face.

"Why? She'll miss dinner." Emyr presses on, "Well, she immediately went to her room after reading the book that Weston gave." The burning glare of Emyr turns to Weston who now composed himself in an upright position. "Weston, what did you exactly gave Adalyn?" Emyr growls and Lux could only stare at his twin with mad eyes.

"Don't worry you two, I just gave her the legend of the envoy of Hell. You know the one who went insane with revenge." Weston shrugs off their concern and Emyr, who usually has a composed persona, grabs him by his collar. "Why exactly would you give her something to read that is full of gore and death!?" Lux jumps on his feet to break Emyr from Weston, the two don't usually fight but they both can finish one which could result to more than a few broken ribs.

"Don't fret big bro, I'm may be stupid but I am observant. If Adalyn takes the path of getting revenge then she'll loose herself in darkness. I love Adalyn that's why I gave her that book. You wouldn't want to see her suffer in the long run, right Emyr?" The usual warm eyes of Weston turns cold as he equally stands his ground against Emyr. Weston may be younger but that doesn't mean he can't go against Emyr, out of all the brothers he is the only one who could be loyal to Emyr and also go against him with such bravery.

Emyr sighs, realizing that what Weston did is the right thing to do, "I just wish that Adalyn could get the future that she deserves." Weston nods and Lux pipes into the conversation, "Yes and if anyone dares to hurt her in any way, I'll be sure to hunt them down." Lux sinisterly growls at the thought of Elliot hurting her for many times already.

Lux may be the peacemaker of the siblings but he could instantly turn into a monster if any dares to hurt any of his family members. The Blanche brothers are truly horrifying, a group two-faced monsters indeed.

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