Escaping Responsibilities: Lady Adalyn Is This Even Alright?

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"Lady Adalyn, are you still sure you want to sneak out of the mansion!?" Luis whispers at the cloaked silhouette of Adalyn, "Yes! Now be quiet!" She whispers back harshly.

If any of her maids catches them trying to escape the mansion then it's not just confinement but also harsh extra lessons about courtesy for her. With that in mind she can't help but shudder, thinking about how she will be disciplined by Marie if she gets caught.

"Come on Luis, let's use the storage room to climb over."

"But Lady Adalyn the walls are still high, we'll need to jump over it if we want to get over the other side." Luis argues.

"I know, so we'll go with your jumping plan." Adalyn comments, Luis is about to bicker with Adalyn but then two guards made their rounds. Adalyn covers Luis's mouth before a word could be uttered out and conceals themselves back in the darkness.

As the two outline of the guards disappear around the corner, Adalyn breath a sigh of relief and motions to Luis to be quiet. Luis nods his head and follows Adalyn to the storage room.

The storage room- well it's more of a small building- is about 6 feet high and Luis can't help but gawk at the height they must climb, "Let's go Luis!" Adalyn's voice made Luis snap back to reality and regretfully forces himself to climb the flight of stairs.

"Lady Adalyn can't you reconsider!? I know that you're still mad at Lord Dylan but running away won't fix anything." Luis points out, trying to get the idea of leaving out of her mind.

"I know that it won't fix anything but I can't handle Dylan forcing me to apologize to the things that I am not guilty of. Besides who cares if reputation will turn bad, it was horrible to begin with, also you already promised me so there's no reason for you to turn back." Adalyn points out making Luis sigh in frustration.

"Alright then, make sure you don't hold me back Lady Adalyn." He grins and without further explanation, Luis jumps from the roof and holds the bars of the wall. He then let's down the rope for Adalyn to climb over.

"Hurry up!" He calls down and Adalyn follows.

'Ah, thank God I chose to wear pants.' Adalyn muses and after sometime of slipping against the smooth walls, she finally reaches the edge of the wall and there she is greeted by a impatient Luis.

"Took you long enough." Luis snickers at the panting Adalyn.

"Didn't I tell you already that I have low stamina!?" She gasps out in anger which only made Luis chuckle at his Lady's horrible state.

"So where to now, Lady Adalyn?" Asks Luis when Adalyn finished composing herself from her 'extreme exercise'.

"We'll go East where else?" Adalyn answers sarcastically.

-- morning --

"My Lady." Marie knocks on her door, waiting to hear Adalyn say come in. "My Lady!?" Marie calls again but this time even louder. When she still didn't get a response, Marie opens the door to see an outline of a body under the covers. She quietly goes to the bedside and place down a bowl of water by the nightstand.

"My Lady, wake up." Marie nudges the outline of Adalyn and when she didn't respond to her touch, Marie immediately tears off the blanket. To her surprise it was just 3 pillows that are shaped into a feminine body.

"Ahhh! My Lady's gone!!!" Marie's loud cry shook the entire mansion and soon worried maids and butlers rush in.

The house is in a state of panic, troubled to where their Mistress had gone to or if there was someone who had abducted her last night. Dylan, who heard the distressed cry, enters the room and sees no sign of Adalyn anywhere.

"Search the room, now!" Dylan orders and in an instant all the available maids and butlers look around the room. It took a while for one maid to see the letter of Adalyn laying on her drawer. The maid rush to give it to Dylan.

"My Lord, only this letter is left by Lady Adalyn." The maid presents the lavender scented paper and reads it.

Dear Brother Dylan,

I'm sure by now that I am already very far away from the mansion. I'm only going to be away for a few weeks so don't worry I'll make it to the Autumn Solstice Ball. Also I will be visiting Finadara to get the contract of the partnership and maybe I'll travel around for a short while. Please tell Marie to prepare a simple gown for me when I return!

From your dearest sister, Adalyn
P.S I took Luis with me

"That idiot... When she gets back... She'll have a lot of explaining to do." Dylan growls and crumples the paper in anger, all the maids and butlers around him shiver in fear at the murderous aura he is unconsciously giving off.


"Achoo!" Adalyn sneezes.

"Oh what now? Are you getting sick already?" Luis asks with a raised eyebrows but secretly worried for her well-being.

"No I am not. I just feel that someone is saying bad things behind my back." She explains and looks back to the direction of her mansion.

"I'm sure that's nothing. Now hurry up, it's still a day hike before we reach Finadara." Luis pushes Adalyn forward, making her brush off the uneasy feeling she had awhile ago.

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