Chapter One

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-Third POV-

The year is 1981 31 of October, Halloween to be exact. the winds howled as children outside raced about dressed in costumes running from door to door snacking on candies given by strangers. even though it was the evening, the town was filled with joy.

Lily potter knew of the prophecy trying her best to forget it while she pampered and played along with James and their babies before checking the time and getting up to leave. 

"James, we have to go now! Else we will be late." James just stood up combing down his hair and linking his and Lily's arms together turning to the Elf who was looking after the children, Even though she disliked the idea of having a house Elf she realized they needed her.

"Pipsy, go be a dear and make sure they be fed before they are put to bed." She said as she unlinked her arms and picked Johnathan up putting him in his bright red crib laced with gold ruffling his hair as she did so.

"Dear, I thought you said we were going to be late?" James huffed at his beloved wife. "Oh shush, I can spend just a little more time with our babies can't I not?" Lily rolled her eyes as she picked Hadrian up.

Hadrian's crib was green clasped with silver in honor of her once best friend Severus much to Jame's dislike. Lily thought Severus would always be her best friend but that wasn't the case, Severus didn't like her after what happened getting upset over a word and holding a grudge. He never understood women, nobody really does.

"You better be a good brother Johnathan, no fighting with Harry, you know that. Even if it's a slap through the crib... Goodbye my lovelies!" Jame's grabbed Lily's arms once again and took off with a pop.

Pipsy's POV

I looked at the young masters, I didn't want to be rude but I like Master Hadrian more then Master Johnathan. Sighing and my big ears bobbed walking over to the two. "Hey Harry, why don't we feed you first, you do look a bit hungry." I started to pick up Hadrian as Johnathan started to cry, I huffed. "Master Johnathan, you must be of patience, Master Hadrian is getting fed first."

after feeding Master Hadrian and burping him I settled him back in the crib I then started to do the same with Johnathan. "Oh Master Johnathan you mustn't cry, you are getting fed."

after burping Johnathan and laying him in his cot I turned off the lights.

Third POV

The house shook, Pipsy stilled, she had no idea what was going on and didn't like it at all. Not even seconds later the door burst open knocking back Pipsy into the wall, she was almost unconscious but still awake,  

Lord Voldemort glided in with all his glory, his pale hands reaching towards the two one year olds. "Ah... The prophecy states one of you will defeat me, But I will not let a mere boy conquer my place and kill me... You are too young to see your cores so I must kill both of you, such a pity to be wasting such precious magic." 

Pipsy's eyes widened. "No! you must not kill Master Hadrian and Master Johnathan! You musn't!" Pipsy preached before running towards the man pulling at his robes.

"A house elf? I thought the potter's didn't have any. Peter will sure be punished for that." Voldemort sighed. "Step back elf, and I will spare your life."

"I will not step back, I must protect the Masters!" "Foolish elf, Avada Kadavra..." with a swish of his wand the elf dropped lifeless upon his eyes. "Such a poor creature." he sighed again, 'god he keeps sighing' he thought to himself.

Johnathan started to wail at the sight of Pipsy among the floor screaming his small lungs out as Hadrian just stared at the pale being. 

"Even though I would like to shut you up brat, your brother seems to keep staring at me." He chuckled turning to Hadrian's crib freezing at realizing that the cot was Slytherin themed. 

"Didn't know she had the guts to do something like that. Well, she is a Gryffindor after all with her bravery putting that cot in a Gryffindor themes house." he ran his hand over baby hadrians cheek as Hadrian giggled at the feeling.

"Sorry young one, I don't wish to waste a magical being's core but I can't let any threats come to bettering the world. Avada Kadavra."

Pipsy's POV

After seeing my life flash before my eyes in a mere second, I saw my body lay lifeless on the ground probably still warm. I wanted to stop the man the best I could but all I could do was watch as he spoke with Master Harry. My ghostly eyes widened, No not Master Hadrian, oh god no was all I could think until an idea popped in my head. An old spell. whispering all the energy from being in the realm of mortals I whispered,

"Vita mors est."

 A golden splash of magic from my ghostly form rushed towards Master Hadrian as I closed my transparent eyes, my soul left to never reincarnate as it sacrificed itself for Master Hadrian. I chuckled, if only sensei Terrace would see this moment knowing this moment will be magically written and sent to the elven kingdom, hoping it will release my children's binds from being chained to a Master letting them back into the kingdom. I smiled as my body and mind was whisked away.

Voldemort's POV

A mix of emotions flashed through me, in just 2 seconds after I uttered the killing curse a golden splash washed over the young baby I attacked. A shield formed blocking my curse repelling it towards me, I stood shocked as I was burnt to ash. in the after effect I saw the room collaps a wood block hitting the baby in the Gryffindor themed cot's cheek as he continued to wail. knowing the wards went off my spirit like self swished away hoping that one day I will regain my body, but for now, I will watch by the sidelines.

Third POV

Lily, James, and Dumbledore were alerted when the wards went off, "NO! MY BABIES!" Lily screamed startling all at the galla as they turned to look at who burst out.

James grabbed Lily's arm and apparated to Godric's Hollow. Seeing the place in ruins they rushed in James muttering some charms to keep dust out of their lungs. reaching the nursery, they saw Johnathan holding his cheek wailing his lungs out while his brother started to magically drain from taking in a sacrifice to save his life. his core in advance widened as it took in the magic Pipsy gave him...

while all the fuss was going on in the room Sirius went off to find Peter getting caught in the process as Peter faked a muggle attack running away in his animagus form.

Dumbledore walked in looking straight at Johnathan a blaring twinkle in his eyes. "Young Johnathan has defeated Lord Voldemort! Saving us from his demise!" the couple began to cry as the snake faced bastard was gone, not once glancing at Hadrian.

Hadrian stayed quiet knowing if he made a noise they would probably ignore him, but what he didn't know is that he would never forget this moment of his life, courtesy a gift by Pipsy while his Killing Curse green eyes flared with hate for his family for ignoring him in the first place.

1247 words 



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