Chapter Five

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*Hadrians POV*

I woke up, my tears stained the pages of my book. After hearing the things that went down, all I could hope was Uncle Remmy had it best, wanting him to stay with Siri... That is if He was put near him. 

"I hope Remmy is okay." waving my hand, casting a tempus, it read the time 4:57 am "Guess I'll just ask one of the elves to help me since it's so early!" I jumped with glee at the site of our small house elf. "What can Teaful do for master Hadrian?" I yipped in joy excitedly whispering, "Can you get me some cake? In the fridge, the one only Johnathan can eat." Teaful nodded "Is that all?" "yep!"

I sighed. I was worried, sad, scared, and just anxious for Uncle Remus and Siri's well being. But on the other hand, I don't think I've had a lot of cake before. after all, I read somewhere it can help with these emotions. I think it was called stress eating?


I flinched. 'Oh god, they found out? But it's 5 in the morning, was he too loud?!' I could hear more screaming... footsteps after silence...

My door was swung open and in shock, I knocked the book off my bed. My eyes now wide in fear as they drifted to the clatter of the book. "Is this where you learned your tricks freak? From a fairy tale? I think it's best if you don't have these things we treat you anymore. We spoil you and this is what we GET?! Your selfish attitude. You know you aren't worthy of treats, for anything. Only rags and mold. Where you should live. I want you transferred to the smallest room in this entire manor. Teaful, Get this boy removed from this room in a matter of 24 hours." Teaful eagerly nodded.

"You may go Tea I have this boy to deal with." Lily's voice boomed across the hollow room. Hadrian's feeling spelled in panic as Lily took his book and cast an incendio. It burst in flames. "NO! Mother, please! I beg you, not that book!" It was too late. Hadrian's precious loom was only but ashes strewn among the floor.

*Lily's POV*

I watched the boy cry. 'How could I haven give birth to this, this abomination. This monster, freak to nature. I smirked at the look in his ugly Bright green killing curse eyes. I've always thought about killing my son, just two simple words. But I know James loves them both but just not enough for the brat.'

"You know, I've always wanted to try this. I know it won't go too well with my nature, but I'll do it anyway. CRUCIO!" My eyes glowed dimly in the darkroom. His wails filled my eardrums... It was like the sound of music to my ears. So pleasant. But, all good this comes to an end as my husband dragged me from the room.'

"What the fucking hell did you do that! Lily! I love you. But please learn that the ministry might find this shit out! They already suspect something from us because of Siri and Remus!" I snapped out of my anger. "Shit James, I'm sorry. I wasn't in the right mind." I pouted "But he still needs to be dealt with. Leave him there until he gets up and is removed from this room." My husband nodded. "Yes, okay honey. You're lucky Johnathan didn't wake." 

"Oh shoot, Thank gosh you kept him asleep. What time is it anyway?" Jame's cast a Tempus. "It's 6:34 am, Do you want me to make breakfast?" I nodded, "Definitely, make sure to make something good so the whore is jealous."  James hummed leading us out of the kitchen.

-Time skip & Third POV-

Time flys slow as you live in an abusive household. The bullying, torment, trauma got worse. Hadrian sat leaning against the windowsill of his small room. Skintight to his bones except on his face where his aristocratic features showed beauty that always brought jealousy. Hadrian knew he was unhealthy, but didn't care. He emerged himself in his studies often plotting his revenge against the Potters. He didn't like to call them family. More like enemies.

He talked with the portraits in his room constantly learning new things. among others. The men seemed to bicker constantly, In a way, they act like substitute parents. Their names, Merlin and Arthur.

Hadrian worked with his hands. never a wand. Hadrian's clothing style was developed off his love for potions, taking after his uncle, Severus. Hadrian was 8 years old. A prodigy in the magic world, an underdog no one noticed or knew.

"So I'm supposed to study year 4 of Hogwarts curriculum this year Merlin?" Hadrian asked, his eyes gleaming with happiness. The thought of learning new things and hurting his parents when he is older will be his greatest accomplishment in his goals. "Yes hades, want me to help you prepare for your next lesson?" "Please do so!"

"Hun, we need to tell him something though," Arthur whined to his husband now sitting on his lap in his portrait. "Nuh, I thought you were going to tell him." Merlin giggled poking Arthur's face. "Tell me what?" Hadrian questioned sitting up cracking his back. "You know the voice in your head you told us about? How you've been locking it out?" Merlin smiled. "Yeah what about it?"

"Well, I and Merlin think you should talk to the voice as we teach you legilimency and occlumency." "Plus an 8yr boy needs to have some fun after a while." Merlin chimed in. Arthur chuckled as Hadrian sighed. "You know what? You're right. I should go out a bit... See you two later!"

Hadrian sprinted out the door swinging his robes on him. "I didn't mean right now!" Hadrian could hear Merlin shout at him from his room. Waving his hand the door shut. He was lucky his parents weren't home, or worse, his brother. Hadrian did the chores in the house. after the small stunt he pulled at a very young age, their last house elf was "let free." He did the cleaning, cooking, gardening, and most everything in the house himself... With the help of magic. 

If Hadrian didn't get something done in time, a beating would rise. The most peculiar thing his family beat him for was his ability to speak to the snakes. They flooed in early, coming in from a weekly gathering/party with their friends. One look out the window, you could see young harry talking to the snake. Scared the shit out of his parents so they wanted to force the evil and freakishness out of him.

*Hadrian's POV* 

I had a crooked smile plastered on my face and I cast a levicorpus on a nearby rat. It's screeching self floating right in front of my face. A pinch of my fingers and the creature was flipped inside out. "Yeah, guess this is fun then!" I began to play with the animal's guts. Blood was staining my skin, but I didn't care. "They told me to continue listening to you didn't they," I went into my mind to find the figure. The man that guards the door. He says I'm not allowed in even though I push to reach it. The more I talk to the figure the more physical the being becomes. 

I've grown to love it. The man's soft voice, handsome outline. and the man's vibrant red eyes. He tells me I'm his horcrux, but Merlin and Arthur won't let me learn about that yet. Not until I turn 11. He teaches me more stuff at a faster pace then Merlin does, or anyone for that matter. He tells me to do things. Like the thing I'm doing right now! Hanging the corpse on a tree branch.

"Hadrian..." "Yes?" The man asks me, his voice sounded panicked, I wonder why. "Hadrian. When we meet in the real world, not just your mind. Tell a man named Voldemort that you know he's someone by the name, Tom Marvolo Riddle.  Will you do that love?" 

"Of course." 

Snow began to fall. It's pure crystals flying around. "Won't you look at that? Snow!" I giggled, "Yes, very fitting for you. promise me you'll talk soon." 

I nodded to myself humming. It was still morning. I jumped up and ran back inside, guess I should clean myself up before the Potters get back. Also before Merl and Arthur sees. Slamming the nearest bathroom door shut, I stripped and switched on the hot water. I burned my skin. burning the scars on my back but after all...

"Everyone needs pain to know they are alive."

1455 words- tech week is over and I have writer's block ;')

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