Chapter Three

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-Remus' POV-

I woke up in Hadrian's bedroom, quickly checking the time I woke Hadrian up. "Hadrian, Hadrian... It's time to get up." I sighed, "If you get up I'll see if you can come to Sirius' trial with me today."

That got Hadrian up in a mere second. "Really?!" "Yeah, so get dressed pumpkin."

The boy hopped out of his bed stripping himself of clothes before grabbing his silk top and jeans "Hey Remmy, do you think I'll look good in this?" 

"Definitely, it suits your eyes very well." The shirt was a short sleeve green silk button up dress shirt and his pants blue that were cuffed at the bottom, a chain hanging out of the pocket.

"I feel like your missing something." Remus stared at his godson for a while before rummaging through his closet, "Ah ha! Found it!"

Hadrian stared at his Godfather in confusion. "What did you find?" "This." Remus pulled a black vest with silver rims over the boy's head before saying, "There, go look at yourself in the mirror."

The boy nodded skipping towards the mirror. "Hey do you know when the next full moon is, I want to see you before you go off."

Remus nodded, "That's very kind of you, it's in a few days from now, 3 to be exact." The man ruffled the boy's hair, "see you downstairs kiddo."


-Hadrian's POV-

I quickly tied my dragon hide boots after slipping them on my feet, checking the mirror once more I nodded to myself. "Alright, I really hope Siri gets out today." I tried to calm my nerves but my gut was telling me something was going to happen.

Heading out the door and into the kitchen I see Remus making breakfast, "I guess we're the only ones awake huh." "Yep. You know what." "What?" "Your family's lazy."

-Third POV-

Remus huffed as Hadrian laughed "Say Hades, I feel like something's gonna happen, you know? A gut feeling." Hadrian nodded, "Yeah I kinda have that feeling too." The rooms went back into it's quiet abyss as the other household members began to stir awake with the smell of bacon.

"What's that smell!" Jonathan ran out into the kitchen jumping up and down accidently nocking down a jar of salt. "Oopsies." Remus sighed as a House Elf popped into the room cleaning up the mess. "So when's it ready?!" The fat boy squealed, "In a minute johnny." The boy pouted.

-Hadrian's POV-

"Hey Remmy." My pops looked tired, I decided not to speak up at the obvious discomfort my father showed. "You nervous about the trial?" My father looked towards Uncle Remmy. "Yeah, I guess, Siri might get out today." James nodded as Lily sauntered in.

-Lily's POV-

To be honest, I really didn't want Sirius out of his cell, the mutt deserves to be there, he's just going to steal all the glory of my son and me for the fight, going after Peter, he'll be named a hero, and I really don't want that to happen.

I snorted "Yes I do hope Siri gets out." I put on my honey coated voice for when I'm talking to my husband. After the attack, I wanted James out of the picture, but I don't think I could handle the brat as well as my sweety pie.

"Good after we all eat shall we head out?" I looked towards Remus forcing a smile. "Yeah we should." I laughed in my head, I contacted the ministry earlier showing altered memories of a muggle at the scene about what happened, in the picture Sirius blew up the muggles. I smiled again.

"What's got you so happy momma?" I looked down at my little baby boy. "I smiled because I was thinking of you my sweet pea." "Mom!" My brat son had the audacity to roll his eyes at me. I huffed, I'll make sure he doesn't get fed after that. Remus wont be here for the rest of the week because of the full moon so he wont be able to feed the stupid squib.

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