Chapter Six

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*Hadrian's POV*

I scratched my scalp with my nails as shampoo slipped down my black locks. "The man went back to sleep I guess. He stopped talking to me after our conversation. I wish the man would talk to me more." I said to myself and began to rinse the chemicals from my hair.

Cleansing my body from the rest of the filth, my hands still a bit pink due to the blood staining them, I wrapped a robe around my frame and wrapped my hair into a towel. Merlin taught me how to do that due to him being a servent or something before he became Court Wizard and Arthur's lover. I found that out by noticing the rings on their fingers. I think I got too curious, but that doesn't matter.

I walked out as I carried my laundry to our laundry room. I had to do the laundry tomorrow as it was Sunday. we always do laundry on Sundays. More so, I do it. Dropping my dirty robes off I rushed to my room so I could quickly get changed and finish my chores before the Potters got home. I was a bit late to get back, but they don't get back until 10 pm. It's 6 pm at the moment.

"Hi Merles, Arthur." "I love you Hadrian but you can't just do things like that. Running off-" "Hadriaaaan. Merlins being a Praat." Arthur interrupted his lover as he leaned across his throne dramatically fainting as I giggled. "Haha. I'm totally the prat." I cracked out in laughter as Merlin replied using his magic to show how they first met. the scene playing over the painting temporarily blocking them out.

"HEY! you swore to never show anyone that. You jackass." Arthur scrambled up in his seat trying to stop Merlin from doing his magic. Obviously, it was unsuccessful. The scene finished as I saw both them tangled with each other. "You clot pole!" Merline shouted at Arthur. Before the argument could continue, I butted in. "Keep it in the bedroom portrait I got for you." I rolled my eyes as both blushed and shut up immediately.

-Third POV-

Hadrian heard voiced upstairs. 'shit,' He thought. The Potters were home. Hadrian panicked as he didn't finish his chores in time. He could hear the Potters complain about how they were kicked out of the Malfoy's party for calling their 8yr son a death eater in front of 100+ people.


"There's Death eaters everywhere James. I don't think we should've brought Johnathan with us. They're just slimy snakes, soon to be death eaters." "Yeah. I agree with Mamma. They're just slimy, gross, sticky, stinky, fat, snakes." "Okay. I get that, but you both need to calm down. We are here to build up our reputation with other families." James sighed, quickly cleaning his glasses on his sleeve. "I guess you're right. but let's just get this over with. Johnathan, I believe Ron is here. Why don't you go find and play with him sweety?" "Really?! Yeah! Let's gooo." Johnathan ran off into the crowd of people as the adult Potters mingled with known light families for a bit.

"Hey Ron!" Johnathan skipped over to his friend who was huddled in a corner amongst his family. "Hey Johnathan, I'm surprised to see you here since you don't tend to head to parties like this." "Yeah, I know. They said we had to be here to hold up a reputation or whatever that means." "I guess so. Mum's making the family come to see if we can build status with the other wizards and whatnot." "Makes sense. Do you know what the others are doing? The slimy death eaters?" "Probably playing around in another room. The parents usually force the kids to go there so they can get drunk." Johnathan whined. "Really? Should we go over there then?" Ron replied with a yes as they took off.

The room was huge considering the children's small heights. It's glorious ceiling mounted with a chandelier with its crystals glistening in the light fed from the candles. Johnathan and Ron could hear the other kids playing. Some sitting off to the side waving their wands. To them, the older kids were scary and dangerous. "Aye. Look who it is here." Draco's voice rang out as he tossed a teddybear to one of the children.

"What do you want Malfoy," Ron questioned. His face sneered. Draco frowned. "Not a good way to make friends is it. I meant to say, Why are you here at my family's gala? You usually never come." Pansy just behind Draco snickered. "Be quiet Pansy," Goyle said. "Oh, shut it." Pansy smacked him across the arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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