Chapter Two

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A few years have passed, Hadrian and his brother are now 4yrs of age.

"Johnathan dear, why don't you come down for some cake, say hello to the Weasleys? I've heard they're really nice people."

"But mother I don't want to, I want to play with my new broom!"  The slightly overweight boy whined to his mother. "Oh but Johnny, you must go introduce yourself, you are heir of the family after all."

Hadrian just stood behind the corner of the kitchen listening to his family's conversation "Why can't I go to the Yule Gala?" He said running up to his mother.

"You can't go to the Gala because you have no magic, your a squib, now go... 'Dumb brat." Lily spat at her child.

The family was good before the attack, but a soon as Dumbledore named Johnathan the Boy-Who-Lived, everything went haywire. The family started to be consumed by the attention they were getting. A few hours after the attack, the Potter family decided to get the boy's magical cores tested to determine the strongest.

-Flash Back-

Lily and James strutted in gringotts Johnathan laying in Lily's Arms while Harry was laying against Remus' chest. 

The Potter family decided to let Remus tag along because of Jame's need for comfort, Sirius was arrested after the attack accused of murdering a bunch of muggles in daylight. With a lot of work by James and Remus, plus a few people, they were able to get a trial for Sirius.

"I would like to see the head of the Gryffindor vaults." Lily huffed in annoyance.

"Yes Lady Potter, right away. Follow me." The goblin then spoke to his other coworkers in his native tongue about someone the Potter's couldn't understand.

The family was lead into an office looking room with daggers lined across the walls with old tapestries of the Goblin's ancient history. The goblin that lead them there soon left.

"What must Griphook do for the Ancient Noble House of Potter do for you today?"

"We must get a check on our poor son's core, haven't you heard the news?!" "Yes Lady Potter us Goblins have heard of the defeat of Lord Voldemort."

Most occupants of the room winced at the Lord's name "Do you want onr son checked or both?" "Oh, just Johnathan. We already know the other is near squib." The attitude and nerve of the women made the Goblins roll their eyes.

"Very well then. That would be 5 Galleons and 2 Sickles."

"Just take it from the Potter vault." James finally joined the conversation. Remus holding Hadrian in his arms, gainin faint snores from the small boy's mouth.

"Mother, how long do we have to be here, I want to head to Ron's like you promised." The 4 year old overweight boy just whined at his mother.
"Oh shush, we will go soon enough." Remus told off the youngster.

"Now, if we can get back to our subject, I've got the scroll for the core's check, now Heir Potter, please prick your finger and let 3 drops of blood fall upon the parchment. Only 3 else the paper will set aflame." Griphook then handed the parchment to the snobbish boy while his mate handed over the Goblin made ritual knife.

"Mommy! I don't want to hurt myself." "If you don't do it I will." Mumbled Remus.

"Oh dear just come here." Lily spoke softly trying to coax her son into listening to her. "Fine, but I want mommy to do it."

Hadrian woke from his nap, "Remus what is happening?" "Don't worry Harry, Johnathan is just getting his core tested but he's too chicken to do so." That sentence made Hadrian giggle. "He sure is a chicken, Are you guys coming home after the trial for Siri?"

"Yeah pumpki- wait, how did you know about trial?"

"I have working eardrums you goof." Hadrian swatted playfully at his Godfather.

"Now lets watch what silly thing your brother will do next."

"Yeah." With that the conversation died as they listened to the words of hesitation Johnathan spewed.


2 more were heard after that. "Finally!" Remus joked while Lily smacked his arm coddling her boy. "Such a big baby boy you are!"
"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore!" He continued to throw a tantrum on the ground.

"Doesn't look like a babe but he sure acts like one." Elliza whispered to her mate. "You're truly right my love."

"Good now, shall we move on?"
Nods of agreement spilled across the room.

While taking back the scroll Griphook began to read aloud.


Power core, 25% to fullest growth.

Minimal damage to the core.

Injuries include;

- from a Lord's magic.

A small crack /slowly healing
-from a blast of a Lord's magic."

James gasped rushing over to his son now staring at Griphook with confusion. "Is there any way we can repair the damage? Anything?!"

"Calm down Lord Potter, we can do something. You will need to order potions from Lord Snape to fix the crack incase his magic becomes unstable and another to help release the strain from his core faster."
Griphook took a quick breath before he continued again grabbing another parchment from his mate and handing it to Lord Potter.

"This has the contact info for Lord Snape and prices his potions are. Especially the one to heal this largest scale of strain on a victim."

Remus spoke up again, "You know we could always talk to him now so we would still have time in the day."

"That sounds nice, if he doesn't agree to it We'll force him." Lily looked determined as she said that creeping Remus out a bit.

"Good now lets get going. May your gold always overflow Griphook and Elliza."

Remus muttered the last part but made the Goblins smile. It looked toothy and scary.

"And may your enemies fall at your feet Lord Lupin."
With that they exited the building.

When the family got home Hadrian headed for the library following close behind. "I knew you'd take after me and not Sirius, how're the paintings I got you, too talkative?" He joked to his godson.

"Well yeah, they're ghosts in painting basically. They sure are chatty." Hadrian giggled at Remus rushing towards on of the paintings. A frail male with stunning blue eyes and rigid black hair stood in the painting with another figure with a square jaw, blue eyes, and blond hair.

"Hey! Harry you back!" The blond joked. "Yeah Dumbass of course he is, he basically lives in this library."

"Oh stop being so boring."
"If you stop being a 'Clotpole' then I will stop."

The banter went on between the two figures.

"Hey, Remus, when can I meet Uncle Sevy?"

I don't know hun, I'm not sure if he would want to see you if I should speak the truth."
"Why not?"

"It's because me, your father, and Sirius did terrible things to him when we were in school. He holds a grudge against your father and as soon as he knows that half of your chromozomes are from him, he would probably treat you like trash."

"Makes sense, can you um... Read me to sleep? I mean you don't have to it's fi-"

"Oh shush it, of course I will, now, educational stuff or folk tales?"

"Folk tales!"
"Folk tales it is then." Remus smiled at the boy pulling blankets over them as they layed down on the couch. Drifting off into the night.

1251 words.
Lol it 12 am again.

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