Chapter 0 - Prolgue

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(POV Third Person)
    North Italy was late to the world meeting today due to some complications. The waiting nations were starting to get annoyed. "Italy himself is the one hosting this meeting, so where the hell is he?" Is the thought that ran in all the Nations' minds. The person in question finally arrived 5 minutes later.

"Italien, where the hell were you? I thought you would actually come on time considering that you are the one hosting this meeting" Germany scolded the Italian.

    "Ve~, mi dispacie Germany. You see-", "That's enough Italien. Let's just start this meeting now" Germany said as all the nations nodded. The Italian seemed to not have noticed the glares all the countries were giving.

~Time Skip to the short break~

"Italien, you can't keep coming late to meetings!" Germany continued to scold Italy. Southern Italy was not here because Northern Italy was the one hosting, the rule was that only one of them had to necessarily be present at the world meetings.

"Ve~ Germany I-" "Enough excuses. Honestly, your grandfather would never be proud of you" Germany said as he left. Italy looked shocked, tears started forming. Those words that Germany just said, they hurt so badly. One thought formed in Italy's mind "But, if Nonno is not proud of me, then who ever will be?"

~Time Skip To Lunch Break~

The meeting was adjourned for lunch. Italy walked into an old restaurant and ate there for lunch. Normally, the Italian brought friends along to eat with, but no one wanted to hang out at the moment.

Italy went to the meeting room as soon as the food was done. A conversation seemed to be happening inside. It piqued the interest of the Italian, who now decided to eavesdrop

"Where is he? The meeting is about to start" Germany grunted.

    "Aiyaa, why did we even give the responsibility of this meeting to him? He is just the stupid Italian" China complained. The sound of the rest agreeing can be clearly heard. Tears began to form in Italy's eyes again.

    "As much as I hate being rude, he can be quite useless at times like war" Japan said.

    "Oui, and Italie is also really stupid, oblivious and weak. I mean, he can't even tie his own shoelaces, it is honestly a miracle he is still alive" France said. Many other nations said more thing about Vene being 'weak, stupid, dumb, annoying' and so on.

Italy finally had enough and ran away as far from the meeting as possible. "I should make my way home. If I explain to Vino what happened I am sure he will understand" Italy thought as the house came into view.

Italy was about to knock on the door when a distinct voice from the other side was clearly heard saying "Eh, so he ditched the meeting. Nothing new since he is just mi stupido idiotic fratello". Vene's eyes went wide as tears that were being held back finally began to fall.

"Even you too fratello? I know I never showed you my full capabilities since we were separated when we were very young but, you do not even trust your own twin" Despair filled Italy's thoughts.

    With that in mind, Italy ran as far away from the house as possible, not caring about getting lost. Although, there was a distinct feeling about the direction up ahead.

North Italy finally managed to sort out some of the depressing and suicidal thoughts out before coming to a spot below a tree. The tree gave some sort of unexplainable comfort to the crying nation.

The Italian took a closer look at the tree before more tears began to fall. "Kou, Xie, Lulu, Agnes, Harold, Timothy" was all that came out through the sobs.

    An idea suddenly came to mind. "I know promised that I would never be as weak as I was back then and run away from my problems but I just can't handle it any more. Please, forgive me for what I am about to do"

Thank you for reading this. Hope you will enjoy this story! I would love to hear your thoughts and reactions, so feel free to comment anything (including shouting random moments of reactions regarding what comes to mind and random song references if something happens in this book) in these comments. I will go through all, if not possible, then as many as possible. Also, this book will be updated every 3rd Friday or Saturday of the month in Philippine Standard Time. This prologue being the exception since I really planned to publish this on my birthday so, yeah.  ~Akina Saya D. Naragsak

Word count (without A/N): 675

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