Chapter 4 - Theoretical Fun

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(POV Third Person)
"Dude that con was awesome as fu—"

"Alfred don't cuss right. There could be children around here"

"Ah whoops... almost forgot that"

Alfred was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly while Kiku continued drinking some of his water. The gaming convention they were attending just ended a few minutes ago so they were now on their way to eat lunch.

"So Alfred-kun, where are we eating?"

"We're going to Ercimento! One of my fav places to eat at when I'm in town"

"Ah, I see"

"Though, would you mind if we make a quick stop after eating?"

"Hm—Ah! You want to visit, right?"

"Yeah. I didn't get to last time I was here because I was with some others who never met him, and were in a rush to go home"

"I see no reason to say no, and I wish to pay my respects too"

With that conversation done they made their way over to a familiar area for Alfred by now.

~Time Skip~

"Here we are Keeks, one of the best places to eat in town!"

"Alfred-kun let's just go inside already"

"Hell Yeah!" Alfred opened the door and strolled in like he usually did, Kiku following him inside.

"Hey Eli! How've ya been?"

"Hi Al, I'm doing just fine. And, who are you with today?" taking a glance at Kiku.

"Ah, hajimemashite. I am Kiku Honda, from Japan"

"Ah, konichiwa Honda-san. Watashi no namae ha Avieres Elise. Pleasure to meet you, anyways I'll show you to your table now" [A/N Translation: Hello Honda-san. My name is Elise Avieres]

Alfred and Kiku stood there, surprised for a moment at her sudden change of language, before following her to an empty table and taking their seats.

"Here's the menus, I'll be right back"

"Ah, thanks Eli"

Elise rushed to other tables who were either asking for refills or their bills, leaving Alfred and Kiku by themselves.

"So Keeks, any theories from earlier?"

"Alfred, you really believe me to not have theories for this stuff? I am offended. I think he is still alive though"

"Dude, they already said more than about fifthy years have passed since the sunset mansion stuff so how the hell will he be alive?"

"Ther—You know what, let's discuss this over food before we get too loud" Kiku mildly glared at Alfred. Hey, he goes through a lot of research for his theories and shall defend them at all cost.

"Hey guys, I'm back. So, have you decided on what to order?"

"I'll go with my usual NY surprise pizza, some gelato, a serving of New York Strip Steak [A/N sounds so wrong....], and large fries"

"I would like some tonkatsu and bancha tea please"

"Alright! I should be back in about 5 or so minutes. I'll serve the bancha tea and fries first while you wait for the rest" the two nations nodded as Elise turned around and make her way towards the kitchen.

~Time Skip~

"Here you go, buon appetite!" Eli said as she placed their tonkatsu, pizza, and steak on the table.

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