Important notice for All books

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Hey guys! So, an update. Am I going to be updating any of my books any time soon? Um... unfortunately no...... why? Because just after I finished transferring every fruking file I had on iPad, now I have to transfer everything from both my laptop and ipad to another damned laptop. And I am unfortunately not really close to being done. Why? Because no one is letting me use my current old acer aspire 1 laptop from like, nine or ten years ago for school now that it is online........uh..... so yeah. 

So my parents bought me this new laptop that I am typing on some weeks ago, I still have to transfer a number of stuff first... after transferring every damned thing only then can I have to make new stuff. Ha ha ha.... and that will take a while. 

And writers block is a fucking thing, ugh.... I am really stuck on the Past Starts Coming To Light.... like, I do not understand how my past self managed to deal with that damned story flow, like, how the hell?! 

uh.. so I am curious, when are your schools starting (if you still go to school anyways)? For me, August 24 is the start.

Uhm, I know this is going to take a while and I am sorry for that. But please bare with me and I am still trying to adjust to the new school as I have just transferred to a university, which is... holy crap.... oh gosh. I literally know no one there... in my grade at least... *cough*

For my books.

For the Diary Fanfic readers, I am probably still going to continue editing the book. By editing I mean editing/rewriting, because I can do that from my phone and it is on the internet and the old files are stuff I am not touching anyways. Everything else however, I need a laptop for that. I cannot survive doing it from my phone. But even editing my books from my phone is so hard.

Also is it just me, or is the weather friking weird? At least where I am from at least

Oh, and thanks for my Kaitou Joker readers! I am sorry for not publishing anything for you guys but, I literally have nothing written for my kaitou Joker fanfictions besides the re-write. Like, most of them are outlines and, others are just half way done or I just gave up on.

OH! And I am trying to figure out how to publish on because I want to publish a Kuroko no Basuke fanfic there and on wattpad. Because the community, frankly from what I see, a lot bigger on compared to wattpad. And I personally read KnB fanfics there because I have a hard time looking and finding KnB fanfics that I want to read because of interesting premise. So if anyone knows how to do that, please pm me. I need help. I am desperate. Especially how to create lines.

Ah, moving on... 

Ah! So, the readers of The One Who Ran Away, I am sorry but that update will have to wait because, as I said, I have to transfer everything. And while I normally have chapters written out beforehand, I have this rule for myself where I only publish the chapter if the chapter immediately after it is done already. And chapter 6 is not done, and I do not want to work on it on my old laptop now because it takes longer to transfer bigger files. So, I am holding my work back on that.

I think that's about it.... yeah. Because people do not know about my other fanfics in the work........

Thank you for all your support and sorry for inconveniencing you beings.

~Sincerely, Akina Saya D. Naragsak

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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