Chapter 1 - Renaissance

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(POV Third Person)
    There was a young blonde man with a cowlick walking around Venice. "Aw man, the world meeting's just so boring" he complained to himself.

    The world meeting is being held in Venice again after 4 years. After all, it was a rotation. Each nation will get their turn to be the hosts. Albeit they just started this system 4 years ago as well.

    The young man paused as he reached a familiar area. "Things just haven't been the same since then" he sighed sadly as he saw a bench under a tree, which happens to be have a great view of the water. He was taken away from his thoughts by a grumbling sound of a stomach.

    "I guess I should grab some food" Alfred supposed. He was about to walk towards the closest McDonalds when he paused. "Nah, maybe I should try one of the local restaurants" he muttered to himself.

    He approached some of the locals who were talking. "Um, excuse me?" he gained their attention. "Ah, Sì? Is there something you need sir?" one of the girls asked.

    "Yeah. Do you guys know a good local restaurant that you could recommend to me? I wanna try something new" Alfred explained sheepishly.

    "Do we? Well of course we do! Try out 'Ercimento' then. It has the best food in the whole town. You can just ask anyone for directions if you get lost. After All, it is one of the most popular restaurants in the area!" One of the boys exclaimed estatically. His friend hit him on the head. "Don't be so loud" she scolded. She turned towards Alfred again. "He is correct though. It is very well known amongst locals in this area, you can ask around. I also recommend it!" The girl said happily. The rest of the group nodded enthusiastically.

    "Thanks a lot dudes and dudettes" Alfred thanked them. He then went on his way, asking for directions every once in awhile just to make sure he was going in the right direction.

    He finally reached a small restaurant with the sign 'Ercimento' written on it. The restaurant looked to be a casual small business. He stepped into the small establishment and was greeted with a "Welcome to Ercimento sir! Are you going to be dining in or take-out?" from a young lady with light abrurn brown hair and eyes the color of molten gold.

    Alfred returned the welcoming smile of the lady with his own normal friendly smile "Thanks dudette! I'm dining-in".

    "Alright then sir, let me show you to your table" She said as she showed him to his table. He took a seat as she handed him a menu, "This is the menu, just choose from here. If you have any questions or are ready to order, just call my attention by raising your hand" She said as politely as possible as she left towards another table where a woman's hand was raised.

    Alfred was looking through all the tasty options when he overheard the table the waitress went towards. "Bill out? Or are you going to ask for more" the waitress asked the customer with a small smile and a sense of familiarity to the customer.

    "You just know me too well, don't you Eli?" The girl said towards the waitress whose name was most likely Eli.

    "Well of course I would. You have been a regular here ever since I opened up this place" Eli joked back.

    "Well, bill out. I have somewhere to be" "Ooh, is it possible that Marie has finally-" "I'll tell you later so shut up" the newly dubbed Marie cut off a person from another table who jumped into the conversation while Eli was chuckling fondly.

    "Alright, alright. No arguments right now guys" Eli said to them as she left towards the counter.

    Alfred turned his attention back to the menu. Going over the choices, they all looked delicious. Not only that, it was dishes from different countries. They served crepés, wurst, scones, mochi, dumplings, siomai, french fries, and more delicacies from different parts of the world. Including Italian dishes of course.

    After a few moments of thinking, he decided on what to order. Alfred raised his hand to gain the waitress' attention. She noticed a few moments later and came to the table. "I would like to order now" He said. "Alright then, what would you like?" She asked with a kind smile that reminded Alfred so much of 'him'.

    "I'd want a large fries, large NY surprise pizza -speaking of, what is that?- 6 scones, 6 cupcakes, a fruit tart, a large classic Italian pepperoni pizza, chocolate ice cream, and coca cola"  America said quickly. Realising that he might have said it too fast for the waitress, he was about to repeat his order when the lady beat him to it.

    "Alright. 1 large fries, NY surprise pizza, fruit tart, large classic Italian cheese pizza, chocolate ice cream, 6 scones, 6 cupcakes, and coca cola. As for your question, an N.Y. Suprise pizza is a pizza the chef decides to serve. It can range from classic plain cheese, to crazy but delicious pizza toppings" She repeated his order perfectly and answered his question. Much to his surprise.

    "Is that all sir?" She asked politely. Alfred nodded his head with a shocked expression overcoming his features.

~Time Skip~

  After a few minutes of Alfred playing some games on his cellphone, the waitress came back with a basket of large fries, 6 cupcakes, and a glass of Coca Cola. "The rest of the order is to follow. Please enjoy your meal" she said as she left again.

    Alfred turned off his phone and put it away in his bag, then prayed the Prayer Before Meals. After he finally took one of the fries and ate half of it in one bite.

    His eyes widen as he tastes it. "This is awesome!" He exclaimed mentally as he continued to eat, becoming faster after every bite. It went unnoticed by him, as someone nearby chuckled fondly.

    America was too busy enjoying his meal to notice Eli approaching with a tray full of food. "Tada!" she said happily, startling America slightly as she put food down on the table.

    In front of America was a NY style pepperoni pizza, his favourite. A delicious-looking Italian Cheese pizza, a fruit tart, and basket with six edible scones. He wondered where the ice cream was though.

    As if hearing his unsaid question, the waitress answered "I will serve you the ice cream last so that you can enjoy a non-melted ice cream" she said with a smile.

    "Thanks a lot! It's really thoughtful of you to do that" Alfred thanked her. "It is no problem sir. Now, I must attend to other customers so, enjoy your meal sir" she said as she was about to leave when "Wait a sec! I never caught what your name was" America exclaimed as quietly as he did not want to bother any of the other customers in the establishment, but he made it loud enough for her to hear.

    "My name is Elise. Elise Avieres" she said to him with a bright smile as she made her way to another customer.

    "Elise, huh? There is something about that girl. Honestly, if I did not know better, I would say that she is actually- No. No. No depressing thoughts right now. It's time to enjoy this delicious food first" Alfred finished his mini-mental conversation as he continued with his meal

    Thank you everyone for reading the first chapter of this book! I hope you will continue to support this book as I continue to publish it. Again, Comments and Reviews are very much appreciated. In case you are confused on anything, I can clarify it for you in the comments. Also, whoever manages to figure out why the title of this chapter is "Renaissance" will get a shoutout in the next chapter! And if you figure out the origins of the name "Ercimento" that is also a shoutout! Once again, Agyamanak for reading (Translation: Thank You for Reading)

Word count (without A/N): 1262

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