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During that week of Christmas and New Year, we'd been extremely close, we were always together and he had been stealing kisses but then few days after, we'd repel like unlike poles, we avoided each other like plagues, the reason being me, I really can't fathom what was actually wrong with me, we only acknowledged each other if need be without seating to discuss or do anything together like before, I'd felt the void he left but I'd decide to brush it off, most times my mind do wander back to those beautiful moments but I was headstrong.

We were better when we didn't realise we were pals but now I do wish we'd not gotten close and I'd not allowed my myself to fall for him , I wish we'd never gotten close. Letters had stopped as we no longer communucated with each other but the funniest thing is that even after we avoided each other, I could still feel my heart longing for him,longing for his stolen kisses, pecks, hugs,smiles and laughter.
Infact I was falling deeply for him.

"Why are you guys avoiding each other?", Tenola questioned coming over to where I was sitted with a novel on my laps, I'd been reading the book before my mind drifted to the thought of Cliff, we were both at the living room and Tenola was having the dessert of spongecake, I'd lost my appetite, others had gone to bed except Kelly who was playing videogames in his room.

I Knew who she was refering to but I decided to feign unawareness.
"Who and who?"
Tenola rewarded me with a scornful look before challenging, " You do know I'm referring to you and Cliff", the mention of his name made me smile but I looked into the novel and Tenola didn't notice as she continued," You guys have been behaving strange, Cliff even asked me what was wrong with you and he was wondering if he offended you, weren't you glued together after finding out your relationship but then what now?."

A few uncomfortable seconds passed in silence before I responded,"You can't understand".
Tenola bursted out, "What? What do you mean by I can't understand, tell me what's going on, Priss you wre all sweet with him and I believed you've gotten over your madness, Priss say it out, a problem shared is half solved".
Looking up at the heavens through the window for guidance, I dropped the novel and sighed before clearing my throat.

"I'm not ready for any kind of relationship, you of all people know I don't have any plans of getting married and I decided not to raise Cliff's hope".
Tenola scoffed.

"What are you driving at?" she plugged her eyes intently on me, if they could kill, I'll surely drop dead, she adjusted herself to be all ears as she saw me clear my throat to talk.
"It was after Cliff asked me to be his girlfriend that I told him I didn't plan marriage, so I decided to cut him off".

Tenola gushed before frowning at what a numskull I was but I didn't give a damn.
"So because of that, you've decided to avoid him, Priss for goodness sake, what's really wrong with your mindset?" she bursted out, shaking her head vehemently to convey how sorry she felt for me before continuing,"You like him right?".

Like ke?

Do I really like him or love him?

I nodded gently as I gave her a plastic smile.
"Priss, why are you doing this to yourself? you haven't even experienced anything, even with the way guys have broken my heart, I still plan to get married, you really deserve happiness, you're only hurting yourself, Priss snap out of this madness",Tenola said calmly and my heart sank, her words were getting into my brain.

Could she be right?

Deciding to turn the table after staying silent for some minutes, I pointed out, "And you,aren't we the same age, you dream of having a beautiful family but you're not working towards your dream".
Tenola scoffed before smirking as she nodded like a demented puppet,a charming amile appeared on her face before speaking, "I'm actually working towards it".

"How?", curiosity biting me, I thought, has she really found a guy or has she gotten into the trap of one of those pricks who were only after her body. Most times, I do wonder if Tenola had been bewitched 'cause she always get over her heartbreaks and still allow another guy into her life.

She brought me out of my small thought by saying, "There's a guy I met recently, it was during the New Year party,we got along well and exchanged contact and ever since then we've been talking and have gotten close".
The New Year party had been held at our house and I'd met a lot of new faces, I could remember seeing Tenola with one cute guy but I hadn't taken it seriously.

Eyeing her menancingly, I noted,"You know I should slap you hard, so you had no plans of telling me if I didn't ask, isn't it?", I smiled and I felt relieved inside, I hadn't smiled that much this days so far had broken my tie with the one that do make me smile.

She shook her head with pleading eyes, "You know I don't keep anything from you, I planned to tell you but you've been so down".
Was I down?

Was it obvious?

Smiling warmly at her which showed my forgiveness, I inquired, "So what's his name?"
"Davies", Tenola blurted out not even allowing the question to sink as if she'd expected it, a smile crept on her face, she continued ecstatically,"He's a black American and he's a detective, we're actually going out on a date tomorrow evening after church".

My head shook in wonderment "You have to be extra careful ooo, you'll gist me about your date oo".
She smiled before pursing her lips,"Sure thing, lest I forget, what's your fate with Cliff?".
Oh! gosh, she really came back to this, she's such a dunce.

"Nothing", I replied succinctly and rolled my eyes.
She moued.
"What do you mean by nothing?".
Getting tired and frustrated,I uttered, trying so hard not to sound harsh,"Oh, puh-leeease, don't let us talk about it".

She understood instantenously and decided not to press further, an uncomfortable silence followed as Tenola devoured her almost forgotten spongecake while I went back to the novel, though I was unable to concentrate as I thought about Cliff.



Jeez,I was going crazy.
Why is Priss doing this to me?
Why doesn't she plan to get married?
Why is she being headstrong?
Why did she have to cut our contact just like that?
All these thoughts debated in my head as I tried to put the reason in place.

Frank's bang on my door brought me out of my thoughts as my gaze fixed on Frank who strolled into my room and in no time he was already sitted on my bed, face-to face with me.
"You look bothered", he said gently and I looked at him in disgust.
Did he juat remember my existence?
He had been with Zina since morning and I was certain Zina was currently in her favorite place which gave Frank the chance to remember me.

"Don't you think you should talk to her?", Frank deadpanned looking worried. I knew who he was referring to and I'd tried this advice of his but I think she was seriously bent on not talking to me.

"You think I've not tried to do that? Frank, Priss doesn't want me in her life", I almost yelled.
He nodded and he opened his mouth to talk before Zina barged in.
"What were you guys talking about?".

"Nothing special", Frank responded granting her a grin but she overlooked it and didn't smile back before turning to me. That wasn't expected.

Jeez, I hope she hadn't heard our conversation.
"Cliff, are you really okay? you've haven't been yourself lately", she said in a concern laced tone.
Frank and I tossed a glance at each other before I answered, "Zina,trust me,everything is fine".

She nodded and pouted before announcing, "Lunch is ready". And she walked out of the room without waiting for our response.
I turned to Frank and asked,"Do you think Zina heard us?".

Frank scrunched his eyebrows before responding, "Probably not and what if she heard, she can't do anything".
That's right, there was absolutely nothing Zina could do. She can't stop me from getting into a relationship with Priss.
Priss is the one I love and there's no fucking thing that could hinder me.
The only thing I want now is to be with Priss.

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