One Host Club Suprise

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Haruhi POV
We arrived to the host clubs house and none of them knew we were coming, we walked up the walkway and mia ran to the door and saw a little doggy door and peeked her head in and hikaru was in the room at the time and caused her to scare him, he looked down recognizing the little face "hey boss Mia's here" hikaru opened the door for us and looked down at mia laughing because of what she did to scare him. All I heard was a stumble of foot steps down the stairs and saw tamikie yelling "who's here hikaru" looking over he sees me kyoya and mia and gets very excited he calls down the others to come down stairs and welcome us home. The rest of the club ran down the stairs kaoru not knowing what's going on and ended up running down in his underwear kyoya covered Mia's eyes and glared at the twins once they saw them he ran back up and up clothes on, mori and honey came down next honey and mori were Mia's favorite to hangout with so she quickly wanted down from kyoya's arms then ran over to honey as he handed her a stuffed animal cat and mori bent down on both knees and gave mia a hug before she ran off with honey to the play room. Hikaru and kaoru came back down kaoru was in clothes then greeted us they both gave me and kyoya hugs happy to see us. Tamikie came over to me hugging me our club family back together once again. I kept getting sick feelings I still haven't told kyoya yet it's been a week now since the whole test situation and he doesn't know anything still, I plan on telling him Christmas eav after our daughters birthday. Tamikie drags kyoya away in to the other club room to talk so I decided to take a walk with hikaru and kaoru around the town visiting most of the commenor markets buying them instacoffie they made me get the first week I joined everyone was obsessed with it, hikaru found some sliced pickles that he loved when kaoru set us up on a small date, kaoru found some ice cream at a close by stand, he got me a chocolate one and hikaru a vanilla as he got a vanilla as well to match hikaru. I decided since it was already a week before Mia's birthday and Christmas that I would individually tell the club my news the twins have been my best friends out of the ouran club and closest I was to them I had every class with them. I stop "hikaru, kaoru I need to tell you guys something but promise me you wont tell kyoya" they nod "what is it haruhi?" I take a deep breath and get what's off my chest "I found out 4 weeks ago that I'm pregnant again with kyoya's second baby" the twins looked at me shocked and happy they pulled me in for a hug and said "congratulations haruhi that's amazing we love being like other brothers and uncles to mia we love your family and were happy it keeps on growing" I smiled holding them in a hug "dont worry we wont tell kyoya it's our secret but when are you telling him?" The twins ask me and I let them in on my Christmas plan they loved it and were happy to know. After a long day of traveling and spending the day with the twins everyone called it a night and went to bed I cuddled with mia in the middle of me and kyoya as we held hand and told each other "good night my love"

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