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Haruhi and kyoya spent their honeymoon in Hawaii, as the girls stayed with haruhi's father, they stayed two weeks away enjoying every moment together, things were changing ever since the wedding the club was finding love in their lives the twins found girl twins and fell in love with them, tamikie got put into an arranged marriage but we haven't heard from him lately on how that was going, mori and honey stayed together even if they were cousins they spent their time together doing more Martial arts ever since we all graduated college and moved on from ouran academy, its been so long since they've last gathered together in music room three but they are happy because of the people who were picked to be next generation host club members. They hope that soon their daughters will take over as the otori princesses of the host club continuing the generation of host clubs even with otori blood their amazing. Haruhi is now 21 and kyoya is 22 they've been so happy married to each other. As they were in Hawaii they traveled around tasting foods and visiting all types of places until it was time to pack everything up and go home to their girls in Japan. They want to make their family bigger already after having their two daughters they want to try planning on having more children in their family.

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