A Little Unexpected Surprise

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Haruhi POV
I kept feeling sick lately it's been 2 months since the club visit and its almost December already were already in November for Thanksgiving, Mia's turning 3 so soon kyoya and I feel like shes growing up so fast lately even though we are still only engaged still were getting married in February even though were already adults I'm 19 and kyoyas 20 he's always been a year older that me and graduation was coming soon in may we last visited the club in September and kyoya made a few visits with mia as I stayed home working on online classes for the school while he did the short classes in school and payed visits to the host club everyone in a while usually he would leave mia home or she would beg her dad if she could go and he can't say no to such an adorable girl, when he goes to the school he usually drops mia off in the play room in the music room the club made a play room for mia any time she was over and when kyoya drops her off she will usually have one of the 5 guys hangout with her since they all love her. So kyoya can get his studies and tests done for school so he is able to graduate and stay home with his family alot more.
2 hours later
Kyoya POV
I arrive home with mia and I don't see haruhi anywhere, I walk over to our study hall and all her work is stacked completed but her laptop was still open it was on the internet but she had something searched and I looked down and read some of the tabs she had open, I was in a little shock.

Haruhi's tabs
•how many weeks does it take to see belly
•what are signs of pregnancy?
How good does birth control work?

I stair in shock I didn't expect this on her computer I race over acting like I didn't go through her computer because I wanted to find out for myself if she was pregnant again, I walk through the hallways of our house looking in each room to see where she was because she wasn't with mia since Mia was in the back yard with one of the maids who were her best friend and Mia was playing with her even though she looked so cute to. I kept focus on finding haruhi but then I heard coughing coming from our room I forgot our bed room was the one place I didn't check, I walked in looking around I dont see haruhi but I could hear her she was in the bathroom she kept throwing up and coughing, I got worried I texted one of the maids to quickly bring a pregnancy test to my bed room, they raced over 3 minutes later and handed me the test I opened it and placed in on the counter without haruhi seeing it was me she though I was one of the maids here, she didn't know I was already home.
I left the bed room and went to mias room down the hall and layed with her on her bed I placed my glasses on her small desk and layed down in the bed beside mia as she curled up against me until I fell asleep with mia in my arms.
Haruhi POV
The maid left me a pregnancy test I heard her come in my room and I saw her lay it on the counter. I decided to take it and waited 10 minutes until my alarm went off to find out it was a (+) I froze as I staired at the sign I couldn't believe it, but I needed to tell kyoya at some point we were expecting baby 2. I walked down the hall way after putting the test in the box and placing it In a drawer kyoya doesn't check and left it hidden. I walked down the hall to look to see if kyoya was home since a maid told me he arrived a while ago with mia after school I kept looking then found him past out in mias bed with her curled up against his chest as they were both sound asleep, I took a picture of them asleep and held onto it on my phone gallery. I was so happy to have them as a family.

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