19. Reunion

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Author POV

"Hobi Hyung!!!" Jimin mumbled in his tears.

"Yes jiminie. This is me. Your Hobi Hyung." Hobi replied with same amount of tears in his eyes.

He cannot believe he is seeing Jimin once again. Even though people call him hope, he was so hopeless when it came to Jimin being in front of his eyes again.

After realising the moment, that Hobi was really present in front of Jimin's eyes, he cannot hold himself for a second and jumped on him with so much speed that Hobi fell on the floor with jimin on top of him.

"Chim stop you will break my bones." Hobi said between his chuckle as he wrapped his hands around Jimin and hugged him tightly.

"Hyung. I Can't believe you are here in front of my eyes. I missed you so much. Oh my god. Please tell me this is real. This is not a dream. Because if it is, then i never want to wake up." Jimin rant all his feelings non stop sobbing like a child.

"Shhh chim. Its okay baby bro. I am here and this is not a dream. Ask Jungkook if you don't believe me." Hobi was continuously assuring him to make his tears stop.

Jungkook and Taehyung were watching the whole scene with a smile on their face. Jungkook was  happy to see Jimin happy and Taehyung was smiling because of Hobi's happiness.

"He is so cute." Jungkook and Taehyung spoke in unison which made both of them to look towards each other and smile like idiots.

Taehyung then cleared his throat for both best friend's attention.

"Now if you both are even 1% satisfied with your reunion, hobi, may i meet my new friend and hug him for the first time." He said with a pout which made jimin and hobi to coo and jungkook made a disgusted face.

Jimin stood up and walked towards Taehyung. "Hi Tae. I am so happy that i finally met you in person. Skype was just overrated". Jimin said with a smile and taehyung immediately respond back.

They both hugged and all of them walked to Jimin's bed and sat down together.

Jimin can never be more happy. His long lost best friend and his new friends were with him and he cannot ask for more in this hell like situation.
They talked about everything funny and Jimin discovered that Taehyung and him are actually so similar.

"I am telling you Jimin. We were meant to meet since our childhood. But are parents had sex at wrong places. I hate them for this."  Taehyung spoke and all of them laughed.

"Jimin i cannot explain you in words, how much i have tried to find you in last ten months. How much your mother tried to search for you. It was terrifying for us without you." Hobi said and Jimin don't know what to say.

Jimin was the one terrified and alone and vulnerable for all those months. But from the night he met Jungkook, he is better. He feels alive again.

Jimin's thought were interrupted when Hobi continued his talking.

"I still feel so bad and i hate myself for not coming with you that evening. If i have accompanied you, these all shits wouldn't happened."  Tears were one again visible in Hobi's eye.

Jimin just took a hold of Hobi's hand and smiled sadly.

"Hyung look at me. It wasn't your fault."

"It was me who didn't care about right and wrong. And maybe that's the reason i am going through this punishment."

"You were and you will be the bestest friend and hyung in this whole world forever. I love you." Jimin hugged Hobi's shoulder and absorbed the familiar feelings of being with his family his close friends.


Jungkook finally spoke which made all three boys to look in his direction.

"The manager said you were not allowed to have customers because of some event tomorrow?" He asked nervously.

Anything event or party related to that place means trouble and problems for Jimin. And Jungkook was not ready to see any problem near Jimin now.

"I don't know exactly Jungkookie. But maybe this is some kind of exibition." He replied sadly.

They were talking when there was a knock on the door. Jimin knew that it was Yoongi.

"Come in Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi came in with a tray in his hand full of snacks. Taehyung squealed like a child when he saw food which made all of them laugh.

They all talked and laughed for hours and Jimin fell asleep with his head on Hobi's lap. He was calm and peaceful to be with his friends. Even if it was for one night.

Still all other four boys were talking about Jimin's life. Yoongi was telling them about the time Jimin suffered the most.

Out of the blue, jungkook decided to ask something.

"Yoongi hyung? Do you know about the exibition?" Jungkook asked curiously.

Yoongi remained silent.

"Hyung? What. is. it?" Jungkook asked once more concentrating in each word.



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