37. Silence before Strom

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Author POV

Taehyung, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoesok, Namjoon and Jin were sitting again in the cafe. Talking about all the random things they can talk about.

Hoesok and Taehyung were talking about some new anime movie they watched last night. Namjoon was discussing all his work loads with Jin and Yoongi was stirring his coffee not interested in anyone's conversation.

Jungkook was sitting completely silent in his own thoughts.

Taehyung and Hobi were fighting about their favourite character to the extent that Yoongi had to bang his hands while standing and glaring at both of them which also caught other three boys attention.

"Can you both fucking stop? Fighting over character? Seriously? We have more important things to think about." He shouted and both the boys were already silent.

"I am leaving. You both continue." He said glaring as sharp as possible and making his way out of the cafe.

"Yoongi hyung? I'll come with you too." Jungkook said and Yoongi just nodded before going out.

"Why was he so explosive?" Taehyung said with a pout.

"Because he is Yoongi. He don't need any other reason." Jin said and smacked taehyung's head once again." Stop with that pout, brat."

Jungkook just laughed and left the cafe to follow Yoongi.

"Hyung!" Yoongi was walking fastly. And Jungkook tried to catch him by running.

"Hyung. I wanted to tell you something." Jungkook aaid and huffing because of the run.

"What is it, kid?" Yoongi said and now walked slowly to match the pace with Jungkook.

"After that night we talked. I had visited Jung-seun after three days." Yoongi stopped walking and looked towards Jungkook with wide eyes.

"You what?" Yoongi asked to confirm.

"I met him."

"I don't care about him? Did you see Jimin? Is he okay? Was he hurt just like the club?" Yoongi asked questions after questions.

"Hyung! I want to tell you something." Jungkook said voice low.


Everything was happening way too smoothly in last three weeks.

Jimin was more happy now that Jungkook can meet him whenever he wants. He was happy that Jung-seun and him were on good terms with casual meeting every now and then.

He still has to live in that house but it didn't feel like cage anymore. Jungkook was almost with him every other day. Jimin was just content and happy.

All the things were way too smooth and calm in Jimin's life. He was grateful though.

Maybe life was finally fed up of its own cruel fate and now left Jimin to have a peaceful life.

Right now, Jimin was laying down on Jungkook's stomach with phone in his hand and scrolling through Jungkook's picture with him when he saw the picture of the night Hobi, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi were with him sitting and talking with him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin called the latter.

"Hmm." Jungkook just hummed his eyes closed with one hand and other hand in Jimin's hair.

"How's everyone else? Hobi hyung, Taehyung? Did you meet Yoongi hyung after i left?" Jimin asked hopeful to know about his friends. He know he can meet them soon.

"They are all good Jimin, though they miss you alot. And no i never got a chance to meet Yoongi hyung after you came here." Jungkook replied still his eyes closed.

"What about others? Your favourite hyung? How is he?" Jimin asked once again even more excited now.

"Who are you talking about Jimin?" Jungkook questioned.

Jimin felt a little weird. Jungkook immediately understood whenever Jimin talked about his favourite aka Namjoon hyung.

"Jungkook who is your favourite hyung? Ofcourse i am talking about Namjoon hyung?" Jimin said looking in the direction of jungkook's face.

"Oh!!! He is fine. He misses you too. He said he wanted to meet you again as soon as possible." Jungkook said.

Why would he say to meet me again when we never even met for once? Jimin thought. He was confused. Jungkook was not behaving like himself.

"But Jungkook i never- "

"Come on Jimin let's not talk about others and spend some time together. I missed you for so long darling. Come here, let me kiss you." Jungkook said pulling Jimin towards his face.

Something is not right. This is not the Jungkook, Jimin knows.

Jungkook would never say things like darling and kiss you. Atleast not in this situation when Jimin is so insecure about his character and personality.
Jungkook is someone who respects Jimin before anything else.

And he was being pulled upwards towards the face of Jungkook. But what shocks Jimin was the eye that was looking directly in Jimin's eyes. Jimin pulled his body away from him.

"Who are you?" He asked nervously.


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