21. Happiness and Pain

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Author POV

All the six boys were meeting in jin's cafe for discussing what they can do to take Jimin out of that place and also help others.

Jungkook was sitting outside the cafe since 5:00 am in the morning. He wasn't able to sleep whole night due to happiness and worried mind.

He was happy to realise his love for Jimin and worried to find a way he can help him.

He also wanted to tell all his five Friends about his feelings. He was sure they will be so surprised to hear this confession.

"Aish!!! Why are you sitting here like a beggar?" Jin asked Jungkook as soon as he spotted the boy sitting on footpath.

"Jin hyung!!! I missed you so much." Jungkook hugged Jin with a smile.



"Are you okay? Like, we literally met few days before and you missed me. Me!!!!" Jin said surprised.

"Hyung!!!!" Jungkook whined like a baby.

Jin smiled "Okay Okay. I missed you too. Now come inside. You must be freezing." Jin grabbed Jungkook and dragged him inside the cafe.

"How's Namjoon hyung? I haven't met him for a week now." Jungkook asked.

"He is fine. Just busy with cases and work. You know him, right?" Jin replied with a proud smile for his responsible boyfriend.

"Hmm. I know." Jungkook replied a little distracted.

"He will be coming in half an hour." Jin said in response with a curious eyes on jungkook.

"You seem distracted? And different? Jungkook?" Jin questioned Jungkook giving him a hot coffee.

"I want to tell you all something. Let all of them arrive." Jungkook replied with a smile.

Jin nods and goes back to kitchen for preparing all day's work.

After 20 minutes the bell near door ringed indicating someone's arrival which made Jungkook turn around and see his 3 friends approaching him.

"Good morning hyungs and Taehoe." Jungkook greeted with a bright smile.

All three boys seems confused because last night Jungkook seemed so off and right now he looks totally different and glowing.

They ignored the fact and returned the good morning with a smile and sat down.

Jin also joined them with seven hot coffees as the weather was quiet chilly.

"Where's Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook asked once again, impatient.

"He is almost here." Jin replied.

"So Jungkook what for you wanted to meet all of us?" Yoongi asked sipping his coffee.

"Let Namjoon hyung join, i'll tell you all together."

"He is here." Jin and Hobi said in unison and smiled.

"Namjoon Hyung!!! I missed you." Jungkook said with a cute pout and hugged Namjoon, which again surprised all the boys but they ignored it.

All of them sat on their respective places. Hobi, Taehyung and Yoongi on one side while Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook on the other side of the table.

"So?" Jungkook spoke.

All of them were waiting for Jungkook to continue.

"Before talking about how to take Jimin out of that place. I want to tell you all something important. I still haven't told Jimin, but i want you all to know first."

"Okay. Continue." Hobi said with a smile.

Jungkook took a deep Breathe and looked in all their eyes before speaking.

"I am in love, with Jimin." He told with a smile.

He wanted to know their reaction. How they will ask them when, how? and all.

"I know." Yoongi said least bothered by the fact.

What?? Jungkook looked surprised.

"I am aware Jungkook. Its good that you finally realised." Taehyung said with a smile.

He also knew?? He wanted to surprise his friends and here he is the one surprised or he should say, shocked.

"Finally, this kid's brain worked." Namjoon spoke sipping on his coffee and sharing a known smile with Jin.

Namjoon hyung also knew?? Am i the only one shocked now?

"I didn't actually figured out but i am not surprised by his confession." Hobi replied with a bright smile.

Jungkook sighed.

"I think i am the only one who didn't realised my love for Jimin earlier." He said with a pout. Everyone laughed on his obliviousness to his own feelings untill now.

They all talked about how they knew Jungkook's feeling towards Jimin, which kind of made Jungkook shy.
He can't believe all his friends had seen the secret loving eyes he has for Jimin.

Yoongi finally spoke with seriousness "What shall we do?"

Jungkook looked in his eyes and understood what Yoongi was asking.

"Namjoon hyung. We only have two days for that event i told you in text."
Namjoon nods his head.

"Well, as we know that this case is not any minor issue but a huge controversial act."

Everyone agreed with a hum and nod.

Namjoon continued." So me and Jungkook decided something, to help Jimin and to also expose that strip bar."

He sighed " But Jungkook before that, i want to tell you something which is very important."

"Okay hyung. Go on." Jungkook smiled and encouraged him to speak.

"I didn't wanted to hurt you but this truth will shock you and also i want you to take any further step with care."

Now Jungkook's heart rate was increasing. It cannot be that bad, right? Were the thoughts his mind.

"Jungkook. The owner of that Bar is someone close to you and he is the one who has done all this wrongs with Jimin and many more like him." Namjoon said, his hands on Jungkook's shoulder as if giving him support to listen further.

Jungkook had it enough. He wants to know who the fuck did all this to his Jimin. "Who is it, hyung?"

Namjoon looked away before replying " Its Kim Yugyeom."

Jungkook's breathe hitched. He gasped as soon as the name came out of Namjoon's mouth.

"You are kidding, right? Hyung this is not the time for joke." Jungkook spoke defending his friend. But his eyes were watery.

"Yugyeom won't do that, Namjoon hyung." Taehyung replied too.

Namjoon decided to look in both the boys eyes and say it.

"I didn't believed it at first. But then i did deep investigation and this came out." He gave all the proofs in front of both the boys who were close friend with Yugyeom.

"This is bullshit. Yuggie will never do that." Jungkook said once again, but it sounded as if he was trying to convince himself.

"Jungkook." Namjoon tried.

"Hyung no. I need time, alone." Jungkook said and left the cafe.

"I will handle him." Taehyung said and ran behind the boy.



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