34. It's already One month

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Author POV

It's already One month since Jimin came in his new cage.

Even if, this cage was comfortable for him in many ways, it was still a cage.

Jung-seun visited him every alternate day and talked to him about random things with subtle touches limited to Jimin's hand.

His face was still a mystery for Jimin only with a clue that he had deep blue eyes.

He never tried to do anything harsh or assualt Jimin physically. He was actually very good when it came to his behaviour for Jimin.

Although Jimin didn't understand this whole thing of buying him and not doing anything, but after few days Jimin was just thankful that his body is not being used.

He was happy that the last person who touched him was Jungkook, and his body still holds the touch of Love of his life.

Jung-seun once saw Jimin using his phone but he didn't say anything. He just took the phone and detached the sim card from it and returned the phone to Jimin as it was.

He said that I don't want you to call anyone from that club anymore so i am taking your sim but you can keep the phone for other purpose. And if you are bored i can send a laptop for you to play games. Jimin just decided to say no to laptop. He was glad that Jung-seun didn't snatched his phone away otherwise Jimin would not be able to live without Jungkook's face.

It was just weird and odd for Jimin to adapt to the environment.


Yoongi didn't liked working in that club anymore. He realised importance of Jimin in his life after the boy left. He really had created a special place in yoongi's heart and the latter cannot deny it.

In last three weeks, everytime he used to walk in the corridor where Jimin's room was, he used to go inside the room and try to forget the images of Jimin in there.

The new woman who lived in Jimin's room was herself a thirsty hoe and whenever Yoongi was there for the memories of Jimin, she always tried to hit on him.

So he stopped visiting there and used to focus on his work only. But the manager was one of the biggest bastard anyone can ever met. He always made Yoongi go to that room where Jimin stayed before because he knew it affected Yoongi.

He decided to meet his only five friends and visited Jin's cafe. And out of all the bottled up frustration, he told about his problem to all of them.

And then the next day he left his job im that club with a content feeling of punching that manager.

He now works at Jin's cafe. When he had told about his problem Jin immediately offered him job and he gladly accepted it.

Jimin was not in contact with anyone since one month now. And all of them missed him so much.

Even though Jin and Namjoon never met him in person but as much as they got to hear they always missed him and wanted to meet the boy.

Jungkook didn't get in touch with any of his five friends for starting two weeks but after encountering angry Taehyung, he realised that he is unfair with his friends and with his own self.

So he started going to college regularly, continued his part time job and tried to keep himself busy almost all the time apart from his sleeps.

It was weekend and Taehyung had requested him to go to Jin's cafe for a small gathering.

He thought of rejecting the idea but then decided to go and meet his friends anyway.

He missed them so much.

So it was evening and the cafe's main entrance showed a close board and all six of them were sitting with there different types of drink in their hands.

They were talking about all the random things Jungkook had missed in last one month and tried to make the area less awkward.

Jungkook knew that his friends were trying their best to not talk about a certain boy and he was thankful to them for their concern.

"I told Taehyung to not drink that much but he never listen to me and he also puked on my clothes again." Hoesok said with a fake disgusted face.

"But i had already told you not to apply that perfume. It's awful." Taehyung defended himself with a pout and Jin just smacked his head.

"What was that for?" Taehyung asked again with that cute pout.

"For that stupid pout of yours." Jin said and all of them laughed.

Jungkook just listened to all their conversation silently. He was definitely enjoying it but wasn't in the mood to join it.

It was past midnight and all of them were tired so they decided to go to their respective places.

Jin and Namjoon left for their house and Taehyung and Hobi also decided to go to Hobi's place.

Jungkook was leaving for his appartment too when Yoongi stopped him.

"Can we talk, Jungkook?" Yoongi asked.


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