30. Blue Thoughts

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Author POV

After the event, Yoongi tried to contact Jungkook. He wanted to tell the latter about all the sudden changes and how Jimin will still be in Korea and they can definitely think of a way to save smaller boy.

But Jungkook had locked him up in his appartment with his phone switched off and just a message to Taehyung to tell everyone that he wanted to be alone for sometime.

Yoongi was frustrated and didn't knew what to do so he just goes to Jin's cafe calling all the other four boys.


Jimin was in shock, not because he was sold. He knew it anyway that his body will be traded that night anyway.

But he was shocked because of the Person he was sold to. He was to be sold to some club in Las Vegas that belonged to some Mafia's and all but what happened is beyond his belief.

He was sold to a client who was not even a part of that event and all the changes were so sudden. And what shocked him even more was the name of the client.

Why his name is so much similar to Jungkook? Infact, their surname is also same. Jimin thought but he ignored it as it wasn't something big to have same surname.

He was just satisfied with the fact that, no Mafia group is involved with his work and even if his friends will try something to save him which he know they will do. If not anyone , Yoongi will not give up because he never promised what Jimin asked him for. So his friends will not have threat of life.

Even if his life will be a living hell, he felt relieved because his friends and family are safe.

He was right now sitting in his room with all his belongings packed up to leave with his new owner.

Jimin was nervous but the blue eyes he saw intrigued him more. His eyes looked so mysterious and... Blank. Jimin's thoughts were wandering here and there.

For one moment, he thought about Jungkook and for the other moment, those blue eyes staring at him with a blank look.

Someone knocks the door of his room and break his train of thought.

"The car is ready and it's time for you to go downstairs. Manager is asking for Number 13." He was one of the working staff of the club.

"Okay." Jimin replied shortly.

He than stood up grabbed his bag and suitcase and left his room.

The manager was smirking like a fucking bastard when Jimin saw his face and Jimin really wanted to punch his face.

"Good luck, hoe. Your new owner will surely take care of your little slutty needs." The manager said and laughed like a maniac.

All of a sudden Jimin thought something and smiled and threw a hard punch on the face of manager.

"Thanks for the concern. Bastard." Jimin said with a blank face but very satisfied from the punch.

He was leaving that place anyway so why not atleast ruin face of that jerk who ruined entire life of Jimin.

He knew it wasn't enough. Anything can never be enough for what happened with him but atleast it was something he wanted to do for so long.


"Jimin is still in Korea, Namjoon." Yoongi said sipping on his coffee and all four boys looked towards Yoongi.

"But Jungkook said... He said Jimin didn't wanted anyone to follow him anywhere and you told us that all those bastard were from different countries." Taehyung said a little happy that, it will be easy for him and everyone to help Jimin and a little confused why Jimin wanted to be in that hell.

He would have helped Jimin anyway, either by hook or crook. There was no way all of them would have given up on their sweet innocent Jimin just because of his pleadings.

"I don't actually know, Taehyung- ah. I am confused myself that these changes were done because from last  three years i am working in that club and never in my experience changes like this was done, so... I actually don't understand myself." Yoongi answered with a frown.

"Maybe that man, paid that club more than anyone." Jin said as a reason.

Namjoon and Hoesok looked in yoongi's direction and nodded agreeing to what Jin said.

"Maybe. That's the case." Yoongi agreed too, but he was still confused because it wasn't fitting well.

"Anyway, it is good for us that Jimin is in Korea. Atleast we have more chance of saving him from that hell." Taehyung said with a smile.

"I know kook will be happy to know this." Taehyung continued and decided to tell Jungkook as soon as possible.


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