Chapter 27: Finding Lemuria

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"I know that place!" Odette exclaimed drawing everyone's attention.

"It is an oceanic trench located in the south-west Pacific Ocean, the Tonga Tench"

"The Ton... what?" Ant questioned never have heard of that place before.

"It's the worlds second deepest abyss after the Mariana Tench... but surely they would have found a sunken city?" Kaiko answered furrowing her eye-brows.

"But what if it was hidden" Nereus suggested a smile forming as silence once again filled the room.

"Nereus, Ant had said Alpheus had activated the empheychron too..." Fontaine added on.

"If Alpheus finds the sceptre..." Nereus began.

"World wide've said..." Fontaine filled in knowing the rest.

"Right then we better hurry if we don't want that to happen, Kaiko?" Nereus replied in a more cheery tone.

"I can get us there by sunrise"

"That long" Ant whined in dismay.

"I could get us there quicker but the teleporter still hasn't been fixed" Kaiko chuckled as she stood up.

"In the meantime, you could help me in the study Ant?"Will asked turning to him.

"That sounds really interesting but I think I'm going to continue teaching Jeffery or maybe go to sleep" Ant smiled running off before Will could reply.

"You need to get out of the study Will, your coming with me" Kaiko exclaimed dragging Will off to the bridge.

Nereus watched closely as Fontaine too left the moon pool room.

"Where are you heading old man?" Odette asked curious.

"I guess see what that warning is all about, remember not a word to anyone"

Odette smiled "if you say so"

"I'm trusting you for once, so please don't do anything stupid" she added on.

Nereus chuckled "I'll try not to"

He slowly stood up carrying the vase with him and began walking towards the door, "how did you figure it out in the first place?" Odette asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'll leave that up to you to find out"

Nereus slowly walked down the corridor occasionally glancing over his shoulder as he made his way to the study.

As the door opened he looked around the study before sitting down and placing the vase at his feet. Taking the empheychron out which was dripping wet he placed it on the table. The normal blue glow shone lighting a part of the table, a smile formed on Nereus face. Opening the scroll, the symbols appeared, he traced the ink with his hands trailing across the paper.

"Blessed... blessed by what" he muttered frustrated.

His attention turned to his cane, would the other guardians know?

"Hello?" He asked bringing the cane towards his face as he waited for an answer.

"Glaucus? Tethys?" He asked again but to no reply.

He didn't blame them for not answering, it was already 2 in the morning. A voice caught his attention.

"Why hello Nereus" a voice spoke over his cane.

"Proteus" Nereus scowled clutching his cane tighter "how on Earth have you manage to get another cane"

"I had a spare one Nereus, it mustn't surprise you" Proteus chuckled

"Proteus what you doing isn't" Nereus began before realising, Proteus was no longer listening.

The cane hit the floor in frustration, as he glanced over to the scroll on the desk, he would figure that out later. Slowly he made his way to the bridge, he saw Odette fast asleep head buried in her hands on the table in the middle. He glanced over to Will and Kaiko. Will had fallen asleep, his head rested on Kaiko's shoulder. As he walked towards her she turned around, a weary smile on her face as a yawn escaped her mouth. Nereus chuckled as he sat down in the chair opposite Odette. He felt his eyes slowly closing, a quiet tune playing in his head as he felt himself drifting off to sleep.


Will woke up, his eyes slowly opened as he looked out of the window. A soft snoring caught his attention, glancing beside him Kaiko was fast asleep, her head on his shoulder leaning onto him. A gentle smile formed on his face as he picked up Kaiko and swapped seats. It was already 4, he slowly pushed the Aronax forwards towards the Tonga Trench watching as it dived deeper into the ocean.

Kaiko's eyes fluttered open as the sun rays hit her, glancing about she saw Ant, Fontaine and Odette already up as well as Will. Will's attention turned to Kaiko, a smile formed on his face as she sat up properly.

"I thought you said we will reach by sunrise, it's already 10" Ant complained as he crossed his hands over his chest.

"It's hard to get there if your pilot falls asleep" Will chuckled glancing over to Kaiko as she rolled her eyes.

"Is anyone going to wake up the old man or can I?" Fontaine asked a grin on her face.

Ant shrugged as his attention turned towards Jeffery.

Fontaine took a beaker as she filled it with the water from Jeffery's tube.

Pouring the water onto Nereus, he got up with a start. An unamused Look was on his face as he saw Fontaine's grin.

"I assume this is a joke?" He questioned wiping a few droplets of water of his forehead.

"Looks like Glaucus has being teaching you too!" Fontaine smiled keeping the beaker beside her.

A frown formed on Nereus face as he realised the time.

"How much longer?" Nereus asked turning towards Kaiko as she switched places with Will.

"We are now only a couple of miles from the trench. Nereus your positive Lemuria is here?" Kaiko queried glancing down at the screen.

"Mhm" Nereus responded staring out at the deep ocean in front.

Words: 1012
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