Chapter Four

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As she suspects, he's in trouble again.

She freezes in her tracks, and her eyes widen as the Mudhorn lifts up in the air. What-? As she moves closer she realizes that he's holding his hand out in the air. Was he doing that?

She'd been so entranced that she couldn't bring herself to move, even after the strange spell on the Mudhorn breaks. The large creature roars, and charges forward. Its tusk slams against the Mandalorian's armor, and he's sent flying across the sand, stumbling back.

Get up, she thinks with worry. Come on, get up.

He's not getting up. He must be unconscious. She takes off in a sprint, fumbling with her blaster as she makes her way towards him, and fires the dart at the creature. The Mudhorn falls limply  against its side with a loud roar, sound asleep.

The Mandalorian jumps up, whirls around frantically, and stills once their eyes meet. He's breathing fast, still winded from the fight.

"Did I miss the butt whoopin'?" She asks sheepishly.

"You're late," he sighs tiredly, as he sits upright on the ground. "You missed me getting my ass kicked."

"I didn't want to spoil your fun," she shrugs,  eyeing the egg he's carrying with a twitch of her nose, "all this trouble for that hairy thing?"

"The Jawas better appreciate this," he sighs, and wipes some mud and dirt off of the furry egg, "getting it was more trouble than it was worth."

She offers to help him back up. But he turns down the offer, and gets up on his own.

"Are you gonna be alright?" she asks worriedly. "You look and smell like bantha fodder."

"I'll be fine," he nods, then glances over at the floating contraption, "it's the kid I'm worried about. He saved my life out there."

"What?" She asks with alarm, and glances over at the sleeping child. "What happened to it?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out for myself, it had some kind of power," he admits. He takes his knife, and stabs the Mudhorn. She winces as blood pours from the wound, and stains his knife.

"Was that really necessary?" She asks dryly.

"That thing tried to kill us," the Mandalorian reminds her.

She shakes her head, and avoids looking at him as he cleans the knife with his cape. But then her eyes wander over to the sleeping child, who's snoring softly. 

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