Chapter Eight

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Dessa's eyes slowly  flutter open, and she squints as sunlight hits her eyes. Where was she? At the thought, she sits up in a blind panic, and eyes the hut around her warily. How did I--?

She thinks back to how she could have gotten there, and all she could really remember was the Mandalorian shouting at her. Why was he shouting at her? She frowns. She couldn't remember, until she tries to stand up. Kriff! She cries out in pain and sits back down, gritting her teeth at the sudden heat in her stomach.

Blaster fire. Steam falling. And she falls limp against the Mandalorian's arms.  He calls out her name, and it's the first time she's ever heard him truly panic.

A fight. There was a fight. She remembers that much. She just doesn't remember how she got here.

She hears footsteps crunching on grass, and a pretty, dark haired woman wearing a blue, long sleeved dress comes bursting in the hut with worry in her dark eyes. Was she an angel? She certainly looked like one.

"You're awake," the woman sighs with relief, and smiles at her.

"What happened?" She questions.

"I was hoping you'd be able to tell me that," the woman answers. Her smile falters, "your friend wasn't all that much help. He also did a terrible job at patching you up."

Friend? Wait, she begins to panic when she notices he and the kid weren't around. Where were they?

"Do you want me to go get him for you?" The woman asks. "He doesn't say much, but he's worried about you."

Worried? He doesn't get worried about anything. Well, maybe except for the kid, she admits. She realizes she hasn't said anything at the woman's small frown. Dessa nods, and watches as she gets up to leave.

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