Chapter Twenty Three

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The newest planet she, Din, and the child have arrived in is a bit too dark for her liking. She isn't sure if it's continuously night here as she's read in books that some planets don't have suns, but it's a fitting planet for scruffy types of people who didn't want to be found, or like to bet on fights. Fitting for a brawl, that is, and illegal bets. It's a wonder that Din actually let her come with him, since he's so keen on letting her stay on the ship before. 

"You have a gambling addiction, Mando?" She asks, mostly to calm her nerves, and she never uses his name when they're around people that could be lurking around to hear. 

"When it calls for it," he responds, and she relaxes slightly, calmed by the sound of his voice. 

Graffiti is sprayed on nearly every building, and occasionally a pair of glowing, red eyes would emerge out of the shadows to stare at them as they walked around the city. Or at least, she thinks it's a city, she wouldn't know underneath the lone lights flickering occasionally to give them some pathway. Dessa moves closer to the child, ready to protect him and Din if need be. 

"You come here often?" 

"When it calls for it," he repeats himself, and she sighs. Disappointed, but not surprised, and he was doing so well the other day too. 

A male Twi'lek stands in front of a building, on guard, with suspicion in his brown eyes as she, Din, and the child make their way to where he is. Dessa still remembers the glare from Xi'an and the fangs from her cruel smile. Faint cheers, and applause can be heard from inside, and the image in her mind of Xi'an is gone. 

"I'm here to see Gor Koresh," Din says. 

The male Twi'lek's brown eyes glance over her and Din with a small frown, and his gaze slowly goes down at Din's feet where the child is. 

"Enjoy the fights," the Twi'lek male's voice is deep, and the door opens with a hiss behind him. 

As they walk further in, Dessa checks on the child behind her occasionally to make sure he's still catching up with them okay. The child glances back at her with a tilt of his head, and she smiles before checking on Din as well.  Two green creatures wielding battle axes, surrounded by a huge crowd of people, that mostly consisted of men, though she catches sight of a few women cheering them on. Several cries of "get up!" in different languages ring in her ears, but it's enough that the creature gets back up on his feet to continue fighting. 

Dessa frowns. Ever since that fight with the stormtroopers back in Nevarro, and them nearly getting killed; fighting of any kind doesn't really appeal to her. Brawls sometimes were fights to the death. 

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