Chapter Thirteen

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She finds it odd that there was a lone space station in the middle of nowhere. But then again, she supposes criminals, smugglers, and the bounty hunters favor isolation, which is why they came to Arvala-7.

She side glances Mando who'd fallen silent during the trip there. They've gotten along better since the whole Sorgan/Tatooine incident, but she still really doesn't know much about him, other than the fact that they both had difficulty remembering their childhood.

And she sometimes finds herself wandering what exactly caused the memory wipe. Trauma? She frowns.

"You're staring," he comments softly.

"Sorry," she manages to find her voice and look away. Her cheeks warm, "your armor is just so shiny."

"You sure about that?" He has the nerve to tease her. "I told you the line would get to you eventually."

"It didn't," she glares at him. "and I told you that sleazy lines don't work on me."

"I know," she hears his familiar huff of laughter and decides to let it slide for now.

He doesn't pull up to the space station right away. He glances back at the child, who's staring back at them in confusion.

"Did you live there?" She asks, testing the waters. He doesn't like talking about his past that much, which she respects, she didn't like talking about hers either.

"Yes," he glances back at her, "temporarily, for some work. And before you ask, the work wasn't exactly something I'm proud of."

"Just the Mandalorian way, right?" She recalls their saying before the Mandalorians departed.

"Yes," he nods, "no questions asked, it was just the Way."

No questions asked, and yet she still can't help herself.

"Do you remember much from your childhood?" she asks. She notices his shoulders tensing. He never relaxes. He's always on guard.

"Why do you ask?" He asks stiffly.

"You just remind me of someone I used to know," she confesses. "I don't know why, you just do."

He glances back at her. She does not like the tense silence that's overcome between them.

"You remind me of someone too," he admits.


"Someone I knew before I became a Mandalorian," he looks away, just as the Razor Crest flies closer towards the space station. "Sorry, I don't-- I don't like talking about it."

"That's alright," she gives him a weak smile. "I don't like remembering either."

No questions asked. Got it.

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