Chapter Ten

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"Get down!" The Mandalorian yells.

She shuts her eyes, trying to drown out the sound of the building crumbling behind them.

"You alright?" She opens her eyes again to see him staring at her in, what she thinks is, concern.

She doesn't trust her voice, so she nods her head in reply.

There's shouting on the other side of the barricade, and she peaks through to see the Klatoonians sprinting over the water, raising their weapons in the air as they shout.

"Open fire!" Cara shouts.

Dessa, and the rest of the villagers who have blasters are shooting at the Klatoonians, and at the AT-ST without hesitation. The AT-ST fires back, its lasers light up the entire village.

She desperately tries to calm her breathing as the buildings catch on fire. She remembers her younger self, terrified as she ran through the streets by herself. And she ducks down, clutching the weapon closer towards her as she tries to calm down.

"Dessa, take a breather," the Mandalorian pats her shoulder gently, and she tilts her head up to meet his eyes. "Cara and I'll cover you."

Cara glances over at them briefly from firing her weapon, and nods.

"We gotta get that thing to take a step forward," Mando yells.

"I'm thinking!" Cara exclaims in frustration. "Give me the pulse rifle!"

"I'll cover you," he lends her the weapon.

Before Dessa can ask what was going on, Cara sprints towards the AT-ST, and jumps into the water.

"What the hell is she doing?" Dessa asks with worry.

"Trying to get a closer shot," the Mandalorian answers.

She can do this. She can do this. She shuts her eyes, trying her best to drown out the noise, and calm her frantic breathing. It's not enough to calm her down, but it'll have to do for now.  If the villagers, who were scared at the very thought of fighting, were brave enough to run at the Klatoonians, she's brave enough to handle a bit of fire. She takes a deep breath, gets up, and fires her weapon.

"Come on, take the bait, you hunk of junk," he mutters under his breath.

Cara manages to fire at its eye, and the tin can groans and creaks as it finally takes a step forward, one foot in the water. It slips and falls on its side.

"Mando!" She exclaims as he sprints past her towards the smoke, and explosions.

A memory. Faint, but it's still there in the back of her mind. Just for a short moment, she remembers a boy. He's calling for her as the building's crumble around them. She pushes it away, too confused and worried for the Mandalorian to remember something she'd rather forget.

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