Chapter Five

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She's hunched over the vacctube, clutching her stomach as she vomits for the second time since they've left.  She wipes her mouth, takes a sip of water from her canteen, and gently presses her forehead against the wall behind it with a soft groan.

She had to get over this cold. She shuts her eyes as another wave of dizziness over comes her and slowly lifts herself back up, and makes her way back to the cockpit where the Mandalorian and child were.

The child turns to stare at her with its wide eyes, and lifts an ear up as she passes by. She smiles, and gives his forehead a fond pat.

"You look and smell like bantha fodder," the Mandalorian throws her own words back at her.

She manages a quick glare his way before sitting beside him. She ignores his gaze on her, and focuses on the dark, starry sky in front of them instead. The difference between staring up at the stars on land, and being amongst them absolutely baffles her. It's like she can just reach out and take one out of the sky. 

"I take it you've never been on a space cruiser before," the mandalorian says, and she can detect the amusement in his voice. 

"Of course the moment I leave that godforsaken desert, I catch a cold," she rolls her eyes. "That's just my luck, really."

"I don't think that's a cold," he muses. "I think you just aren't used to your space legs."

"The jump to hyperspace didn't help all that much either," she agrees.

"And you wanted to fly the ship," he scoffs. "We'd be dead in a second."

"Just for that, I'm gonna learn how to fly it one day," she huffs, and childishly turns away from him, and folds her arms together. "so I can rub it in your face."

"Kuiil said you were great company," he  tilts his head over at her. "I don't see it."

"This how you treat all your guests?"

"I'm not generally known for my friendly hospitality," he says. "thought you would have figured it out when you were down there."

"I'm not a snooper," she says quietly.

She shakes her head at him, and glances at the kid wandering around the ship. It walks in front of them, softly giggling as it plays with one of the control switches.

"I told you before that isn't a toy," the mandalorian sighs, and grabs the broken handle. "Great, another thing I have to fix."

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