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Tina was so early to the wedding that nobody ever showed up at that ungoldly hour. She was chosen as the bridesmaid to her sister's wedding and wanted everything to be perfect.

Apart from that, she had Newt sitting on one of those chairs, with a book.

"Now what does it say?" Tina asked, tying a ribbon as part of a decoration.

"The spell can be used to bring back the spirit for a period of time depending upon the extent of the strength of the spell" Newt read from An Inside Look into Necromancy.

They had consulted several books with no results. This seemed to be the only book with simple explanation and contained lots of pictures.

"And what seems to be the incantation?" Tina asked.

"Its sort of complex. I can't read it" Newt peered into the book, "It's also long".

"Okay, all we need to do is to bring an object which is connected to the dead person and cast the spell?" Tina asked.

"No" Newt told her, "You also need to. . . cast it during a full moon day at midnight. And the person seeing the dead spirit must drink a potion".

"Wow, and those ingredients are. . ?"

"Nowhere to be found. The Apothecary doesn't manufacture them. This calls for Unicorn blood which is extremely rare" Newt closed the book, "You sure you wanna do this?"

Tina nodded, determined, "Its my greatest desire".

"Alright. We'll learn more about the potion. Right now, you focus on the wedding, okay?" Newt kissed her gently on the lips.

"Yeah, sure" Tina smiled.

"Hey, Tina!" Jacob waltzed in, "Queenie needs you!"

"Jacob! You know it's forbidden to see the bride before the wedding!" Tina said, sternly.

"No! Henry from the bakery is here to help me out. He asked me to inform you" Jacob said.

"I hope that's the truth and you aren't breaking rules" Tina stormed off to aid her sister.

"Hey Teen" Queenie greeted her elder sister.

"Don't tell me you have second thoughts. I've spent working my brain off during the last few months" Tina warned.

"No, it's not that" Queenie said, "I just feel that we haven't connected in a long time. That we haven't spoken to each other at all".

"We have, right?"

"No, we haven't. We haven't done anything together" Queenie admitted, "I couldn't even buy my wedding dress with you".

"Tell you what. Let's not ruin this wedding day. After the wedding, we'll have a girl's day out" Tina said, "I'll even come with you to the boutique".

"But Jacob? Isn't it a tradition to spend time with your husband?"

"When have we ever followed traditions, Queenie?" Tina sighed, "Never. Right? So we're having a great girl's day and you focus on getting your vows right".

"I'm kind of scared. What if I trip?"

"Then I'll catch you" Tina swooped down to hug her, "You're the best, Queenie. You deserve the whole world".

"Thanks Teen. You're the best big sister ever. It's a pity you're not the one marrying"

"Let's not start that conversation" Tina rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I have to go and dress up"

"Want me to do your makeup?" Tina offered.

"No thanks. I'll look like a little girl's coloring book" Queenie knew Tina would paint with the lipstick if she had to and she would butcher her face.

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