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Tina, Newt and Jacob rushed to Theseus who was seated in a room. His eyes were closed and he was clenching his fist. Blood trickled down his fist and he was crying bitterly. He knelt down thumping his fists on the carpet, staining everything red.

"Theseus!" Newt rushed to his aid and pulled him up, "I need water!"

Jacob got a flask of water which Newt sprayed on his brother's face. Theseus woke up, his green eyes staring at Newt's and blinked.

"Theseus, what is this?" Tina asked.

Theseus coughed, "I saw. . ."

"Saw what?" Jacob asked.

"Saw . . . h-her"



And with that, he fell down unconscious. Newt got out bandages and tied it firmly around his hand. He noticed that Theseus was cutting his palm and took out the knife. 

"We need Dittany and . . . water" Newt told them.

Tina went to Newt's case and retrieved everything he required. Jacob brought some cold water and some cod liver oil to stop the inflammation. Just knowing the right thing back when he was at school.

Queenie heard about the news very soon and she rushed with her Potions to see if something can cure such an impalpable situation. She made a lot of Healing Potions in such a short amount of time. Cooking and Potions were her forte and even though she wasn't into the chemistry of magical liquids, she was good.

Newt healed Theseus's cuts and Tina tied his head in a bandage as to keep his head still. They still didn't comprehend the situation. What did he see? And was it a woman? And how did he see her?

Albus Dumbledore rushed to the scene after a quick letter from Newt regarding the situation. He came to analyze the situation and come up with a good explanation.

"Visions" he remarked.


"Yes, usually happens to Seers and Animagi who  are vulnerable" Albus paced, "Indeed, this is quite the tragedy".

"But Theseus isn't an Animagus" Newt piped up.

"Exactly. Visions can happen to anyone at anytime. Usually it is controlled by an external force with a power beyond imagination, but this seems to be uncontrolled. He appears to have cut himself, which isn't what controllers are supposed to do. They torture the wizard with haunting memories and don't harm them physically" Albus said, regurgitating reports.

"I've never seen anything like it" Newt said, "Theseus was a happy person. He wouldn't do such a thing".

"Blood" Tina stated.

"I'm sorry?" Newt and Albus said.

"Blood" Tina repeated, "Remember in order to make a blood pact, you must mix right amount of blood, you'd know, Albus. Both parties must be willing to contribute blood".


"And maybe he was trying to connect with someone by creating a blood pact?" Tina theorized, "This gives a person chance to connect with their significant other.  Remember Albus, you'd feel pain when Grindelwald feels pain?"

"Our souls are connected via the blood"

"That sounds nasty" Newt said.

"That's the only explanation we can think of" Tina shrugged, "Theseus wouldn't cut himself involuntarily, would he? No. He did it out of pure desire"

"What if it was another person who cut his hand?" Jacob barged in.

"Yes, and they apparently left a huge evidence - a knife covered in blood, behind" Newt said, "Tina's right. He did it purposefully. But why?"

"Theseus mentioned about this woman or girl in the Vision. Who would he want to connect with, so deeply that he'd cut himself?" Jacob folded his arms.

"Love" Queenie played the agent-of-love, "It makes you crazy. Maybe he saw someone whom he loves dearly".

"Leta" Newt and Tina remarked at the same time.

Theseus was given a room to stay and he was fast asleep. Newt and Tina stood close by, their plans of an ideal date night plummeting down faster than a landslide. Queenie and Jacob decided to arrange Theseus a wholesome lunch and Albus decided to pay a quick visit to MACUSA to check in with their library.

"Looks like treachery isn't far behind" Newt smiled.

"I can't believe that he knew" Tina folded her arms.

"Knew about what?"

"About our plan" Tina said, "Our plan of bringing Leta back, with minimal damage. He was probably aware of it's danger and wouldn't want us to die and he took it all out on himself instead".

"How do you know that he knew?" Newt asked.

"Seems like the only plausible answer. Or else why would he want to do this? He seemed contended that Leta was in a better place now. We butchered it" Tina rubbed her forehead.

"We didn't do anything, Tina" Newt assured her, "It's not your fault".

"It is  indeed my fault!" Tina buried her face on his shoulder, "I should've considered it. I should've known that it's nearly impossible bringing the dead back".

"Hey, we're going to be fine. We don't know whether Theseus did it for us or for himself" Newt said, stroking her hair, "Once he wakes up, we'll know".

"Why does danger always shows up when things are starting to settle down?" Tina complained.

"Hey, it'd give us an excuse" Newt told her.

"And what is that?"

"It's a date. We solve the whole mystery together" Newt grinned.

A/N : Just hold on for ONE SECOND. 

Dishclaimer 1 : This is MY interpretation of visions. And I've classified them into Voluntary and Involuntary Visions. The Voluntary ones, like what happened to Theseus, happens due to a long stagnated memory destined to be revisited. And the Involuntary ones like how it happened to Harry when Voldy fed him Visions of Sirius being tortured.

Dishclaimer 2 : Sorry if this chapter is depressing.

Dishclaimer 3 : And I'm sorry Newt and Tina didn't get their date night. They totally deserved it. 

And with those in mind, please do not send rotten eggs or scream at your screens in agony. I don't want to be egged. 

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day!


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