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so me and my friends were at this basketball game last night, right? well we're all three just minding our own business, watching our senior high boys play, when this random guy walks up to us. he hands us a piece of paper and is like "these are for y'all" and walks off. well they're SNAPCHATS from one of the other teams playing tonight. so me and my friends start dying laughing because it was hilarious and they add the three boys on snap (i don't have snap so i followed them on insta, and lol three boys & three of us is PERFECT) so anyways, our school gets done playing but we decide to stay and watch the boys who gave us their snapchats play. so my friend bai called dibs on one of them (#4), i called dibs on one (#14), and cher called dibs on the other (their manager). so this entire game we are cheering our hearts out for these boys and their team, and we don't even know them. well we all look over to the manager (the one cher called dibs on) and he's smiling at us, more specifically: ME. my face gets super red and i smile back and stuff. and he gives me a wave, A CUTE LITTLE WAVE, and continues to do it throughout the rest of the game. so the game gets over (they lost so that sucks) and one of their junior high boys walks up to us (his name is mayson and he is HILARIOUS) and asks if we want them to come talk to us. we say duh, obviously. so the manager walks over and starts talking to us and everything. he keeps flirting with me hardcore and giving me that cute crooked grin that boys do (omg i melted). well i told him that i thought #14 was cute and he was like "oh, well yea i don't think he's got a girl or anything." and of course this information made me excited cause i thought he was super cute. well #14 walks out and STRAIGHT UP IGNORES US. so i was like super ticked obviously cause he ignored us. anyways the boys go to leave and about five minutes after they do i get an instagram notification. AND THE MANAGER FOLLOWED ME BACK. guys i kid you not i squealed. then i get the notification that he dm'd me. i open this boys text and it legit says "hey, you are so beautiful. would you mind just talking to me instead?" MY HEART MELTED. we started texting nonstop and he's honestly so precious like wow. anyhoozle, long story short i met the sweetest guy ever and i'm going on a date with him next weekend.

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