Raihan {1} - Poisonous Games (NSFW)

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Summary: (Y/N) and Raihan, two powerful gym leaders with incredibly high chemistry between them. When will they finally become official?

Pairing: Raihan X Gym Leader!Reader

Genre: NSFW

Warnings: swearing, smut

Requested by: mikex11

Extra notes: Reader is either on the pill or has a copper coil. You decide.

Word Count: 3886

This is pretty old and definitely not my best writing! Still, it's a part of my growth, so it'll remain up.


You sighed nervously. You didn't know why you were so nervous. After all, this wasn't the first time you were going to be exposed to a large crowd. Maybe it was because this was going to be the first time you were going to make an actual appearance at the gym challenge's opening ceremony.

After Kabu's retirement as a gym leader, you were chosen to be his replacement. You didn't really want to since you hated the thought of being shackled to one place when you still had so much more of the world left to explore.

You had refused multiple times, but you ultimately caved under the pressure that was being put on you by Leon, Opal and Kabu as they were the ones who were highly recommending you. In the end, you flew from the Alola region back to your birth region of Galar. You figured that if you had to be tied to one place, it might as well be Galar.

You didn't hate being a gym leader. You thought that it was actually kind of fun. You liked being able to teach young trainers new strategies that weren't commonly used and how to use your pokémon's special abilities to the max.

Your first season as a gym leader was interesting, to say the least. Since you had taken up Kabu's place, you were the third gym leader. That season, there was a significantly lower number of challengers that made it to the champion cup than previous seasons.

The problem was you, ironically. Appointing you as the third gym leader was practically a death wish on challengers, considering you refused to hold back your strength as a trainer. You had a full team of six strong pokémon. Plus, some of your pokémon were not native to Galar, making it difficult for beginner trainers to think of ways to defeat them.

As if that wasn't enough, you specialized in a type that could be awkward to deal with for beginners. You specialized in poison type pokémon. To you, poison types are criminally underrated, yet they are typically very bulky and have a lot of common resistances to pokémon that trainers could catch early in their adventures.

Noticing this, Leon and other gym leaders alike agreed to push the Motostoke gym to be the seventh gym in the challenge.

When you began your new career, you were instantly admired. You were strong yet modest, and you stood out due to your usage of an uncommon type. You also had a really interesting team of pokémon, one of them being out of this world. That was your signature Naganadel. Plus, the fact that your strength switched up the challenge's system made your popularity skyrocket and earned you a lot of fans.

You chuckled at the memories and shook your head. You never expected your life to take this turn, but it did. In the end, it was probably for the better.

"Miss (Y/N)! You're up," a league staff member alerted you.

You nodded in thanks. Before heading out to the court, you accidentally made eye contact with the dragon master, Raihan, who was leaning against the wall of the locker room as he waited for his turn.

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