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I really messed up by bringing Paimon along. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid. But if he ends up returning to hell, he'll rat me out. Which is why I needed advice on what I should do from the big man.

"Name and number please." A perky blonde slid a form towards me, not bothering to look up. Usually Heaven wasn't backed up. But today the waiting room with packed with what looked to be families. I wonder what kind of accident had happened? I wasn't called for it which meant it must've been bad enough for my sisters to have been called.

"Sir, name and number please." The blonde finally looked up and her jaw dropped.

"I think you're in the wrong place." Her wings flew open, it was a defense mechanism. You'd think Heaven didn't have a need for those, but they did a lot more then Earth did.

Demons and Devils often fooled the gate keepers into letting them in. Once inside they often stole souls and abused the Angels. It was awful and I hated having to come collect the beasts and escort them to Hell.

"Grim Reaper, Thanatos. Number 666." I smiled and held out my ID card. The big man gave it to me after the first few times of trying to get in.

"My bad Sir." She bowed and unlocked the big rose gold doors.

"Thank you love." I waved and pushed my way into Heaven.

I loved being up here. It was always sunny and warm. The houses resembled what were called 'White Neighborhoods' on Earth. I didn't understand that but It was how I described Heaven after Ivy taught me it.

I heard a small gasp from my left and turned to find a little boy staring at me with wide eyes.

His name was Jeffery Barns. He passed away due to Cancer at the age of 5. He looked to be 9 or 10 now. I was grateful Heaven allowed people to grow older, but only till they were 80. Then they had the choice to be reincarnated or have their souls live on here, never ageing.

"Hello Jeffery. You've gotten bigger. Hows heaven treating you?" I smiled and leaned my scythe on the ground.

"Its amazing. I had ice cream last night for dinner because it was my birthday." He smiled brightly and it would have warmed my heart if i had one.

"Your birthday? How old are you now?" I nodded so we could walk and talk. He followed.

"12. I got to go down and watch my parents again. They have another baby. Her name is Lily." I could tell he was sad. I was for him. This little boy was taken to soon.

"Next time I come up, How about I take you to talk to Lily? She's a baby so she won't remember you being there." I smiled.

"You'd do that? You're awesome!" Jeffery had a smile stretching ear to ear. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my gold robe. I chuckled and returned the hug.

"I have to go visit Grandpa up there." I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the white mansion. Jefferey laughed.

"Till next time Jeffery." I waved a good bye and entered the mansion's gates.

I always admired God's property. It was beautiful. Pink roses lined the white cement sidewalk, the grass was green and maintained. Marble top tables were on either side.

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