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"She's finished sir." The angel bowed to me and turned to dust.

I waited hours and hours for Ivy to wake up. Well I thought. It was only an hour. 

I tapped my foot impatiently.

"What's troubling you my friend?" Thanatos popped out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me.

"Jesus C-"

"Watch your tongue. God may hear you and kick your ass for using his name in vain." Thanatos winked at me and sat down on the sofa beside me.

I let out a soft chuckled before sobering up.

"Did you know she's sick?" I questioned my skeleton like friend.

"She's not sick, Paimon." Thanatos smiled widely at me.

"I just watched her throw up blood, the hell you mean she isn't sick?" I sounded mad. Well I was. He wasn't here. He didn't see. But she was.

"She's transforming. Its natural." Thanatos slid off his brown sandals and leaned back on the sofa.


Everyone who had a role to play in the world, heaven or under, had to go threw a transformation phase. I did and it was awful. I threw up blood just like Ivy and was very ill.

How hadn't I noticed before? 

"She's Zeus's daughter. Did you know that?" Thanatos spent the time explaining to me who she was and her heritage.

She was indeed Zeus child. He ended up having relations with a human when he was visiting Earth on a scouting mission. I heard rumors in the palace but I always blew them off. Zeus knew the rules. That's probably why he kept Ivy here.

"What is her role, Thanatos?" I adjusted so I was facing. I prayed it was something it Heaven. Maybe an angel or a keeper. Anything but a succubus. She would never survive.

"Ever hear of Demeter?" The jack skellington impersonator cocked an eyebrow at me, which were growing back nicely.

"The mother nature chick?" I knew who she was, everyone did. At least on Earth. She wasn't exactly mother nature but damn well near. Demeter watch over Earth's health. She assisted the soil and grew the flowers from scratch. She was a goddess among the fairies and elf people. 

"The Mother Nature Woman. Not a chick, Paimon. Have some respect." Thanatos hit my arm with his staff. 

I rubbed the now apple like bump on my arm and glared at Thanatos.

"Get on with it grandpa. Before she wakes up." I looked over to the staircase. 

"She's Persephone." 

As he said her name, I felt my stomach tighten.  She was to marry Hades when she finished her transformation. I couldn't get to know her like I intended to. She can't teach me the ways of mortals. I had to leave before Hades caught me here. My head would be on a stick and she'd be locked away.

"This is why I didn't tell you, my homie." Thanatos put a hand on my shoulder.

"You and these dang slang words." I chuckled.

"We must move on from here. You understand why now?" Thanatos looked at me with empty eye sockets. His eyes must've dried up. It happens when you have no way to hydrate them and no blood to continue to use them.

"I do. Can I say Goodbye?" I nodded at the stairs.

"Of course. With god like speed my friend, we must find you another home soon." Thanatos stood and slid his long toes back into his old brown sandals.

"Im going back to Hell. This world isn't right for me. Maybe in a few millennial it'll be better." I shrugged and made my way up the stairs.



"You're gorgeous,"A tall man with bright blue eyes caressed my cheek.

I felt blush creeping up on my  face from the stranger's compliments. 

"Thank you. But who are you?" I questioned the stranger.

"Im Hades." His name sounded familiar and wrong.

"Do I know you, Hades?" I held onto the hand I pulled away from my face.

"You will one day my love. Until then I wan-"

"I guess this is goodbye, Ivy. I will never forget our small chapter in our very large complex stories."

The handsome man, Hades, was cut off by a far away voice. I looked around the small garden I hadn't realized we were standing in.

I failed to find the voice and turned back to Hades who was now gone.

"Hades?" I called out. 

"These last few days have taught me a lot more then a book ever has. I've felt compassion, hope, other things. It appears I lack the vocab to describe the other emotions I feel." The same voice sounded from all over. From the sky, the green grass beneath my feet, from the tall trees around me.

Its voice felt familiar. Like it belonged. I longed to hear it more.

"I've felt human, to say the least. It saddens me we couldn't spend more time together, but it is just not our time. Take Care, Ivy." The voice faded.

I felt a warm soft sensation on my forehead. A kiss?

Hours later I woke up, drenched in sweat. I looked around my room in confusion. There weren't any lights and it was dark outside. Did I sleep the whole day?

"Paimon?" I called into the darkness. 

I called his name a second time, a little louder then the first. No response.

I pealed off the sheets and threw my bare legs over the edge of the bed. The wood was cold but it felt amazing. 

I tip toed out of my room and down the stairs.

"Paimon?" I called as I turned on the lights.

No response again. I continued searching the house but came up with nothing.  Maybe he went out? He hasn't been exploring since hes been here? 

I grabbed a throw off the back of the sofa and sat down. I'll just wait here until he gets back. 

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